So... He's got 4 kids now? Someone killed Junior? Why would anyone kill Junior? He's a zero to the left.

Dude, they have am AZTEC calendar in the gallery!

Mexico enters the chat.

There's a national debate wether what everyone calls a quesadilla should have cheese (queso) in it.

One side thinks it obviously should. The other side is just plain stupid.

Turkiye: Am I joke to you? Have a kebab. But really, what did I do wrong?

Such passion for life!

How I envy their time availability.

Death. Death is fine, dear Trump lovers.

That sounds exciting and so cool!

Imagine the creator of STAR WARS thinking your work is so promising that he actively comes in and starts collaborating with you. "Hey, I got his outline. Script it."

I'd pay to be there and be the one scripting it.

If after ALL HE'S DONE, those voters were just waiting to see the verdict of THIS trail, boy are they dumb...

Cool. Cool cool cool. Okay, now. Sentencing. Jail time, please. PLEASE?!?!?!

Un ejemplo es en relación a hilar / hilvanar / enlazar / cuerdas / nudos.

No se si esto esté relacionado a que en inglés se diga "tie the knot" para referirse a casarse.

(y sí, ya se que la frase "tie knot" también viene de costumbres religiosas de unir a los novios en un lazo, literalmente)

OJO: hay otro verbo en inglés "mar" (he mars, she marred, etc.), que significa "echar a perder, deshacer, desfigurar, entorpecer, arruinar, dañar, herir"... y sí, al conjugarse se llega a parecer a "marry" (casarse). Literal y figurativamente.

Tienes razón. En Monterrey, si no tienes dinero, tus opciones de esparcimiento familiar son muy pocas.

Fuera de ir a un parque (sea Chipinque -que YA COBRAN-, Fundidora, la Alameda, España, etc.), o Museos (Obispado, del Deporte, Noreste, Historia, Marco y algunos más pequeños), no hay mucho más que hacer si no traes máney.


a) sometime down the line, someone jokingly said "in 19th Century Persia, mustaches on women were a symbol of beauty", and now we all think that was true.

b) mayyyyybe that photo is not of a biological woman.

As far as I know, there's none. You gotta drive / take a bus down to Monterrey, and then use a shuttle / bus to the airport.

I haven't gotten around to watch it (my bad, my bad!), but is this really a line from the show?

(or just something the character would say?)

Either way, it's hilarious.

Why does he look like Carl from the Pixar's UP?

En inglés, "marry" significa "casarse", pero en ciertos contextos, también quiere decir "amarrar".

Started drinking. Got divorced. Almost OD'd. Got clean. Got in touch with his ex-wife. She gave him another chance. He worked on himself. They live happy now, 2.5 kids and a two cars. They live in Alderaan, I think. Future looks promising.

I honestly never got that. We know KYLO REN is trying to emulate DARTH VADER.

And we have DV in those scenes with the EMPEROR's gigantic hologram. So I always thought SNOKE was an "average" height.

Gandalf, Galadriel (and Legolas, Aragorn)

Dumbledore, McGonagall (and Hermione, Snape).

Morpheus, Trinity. ... ... ...Wait... I can see a pattern here...

Batman, Jon Stewart, Martian Manhunter.

Spock, Topol.

Mikey, from the Goonies.

Q, from the 007 franchise.

And just because I unsuccessfully tried to think of someone from each of this shows: not one person from the shows COMMUNITY, ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT or VEEP could ever be a good Jedi. I love them all, but boy would we be in trouble.

No one from the PIXAR universe... Which is good! Because their characters are so flawed and have so many layers, that they almost always have thing that says "nah, he's not good at such and such, so he would never be a good Jedi".