Samo kupi i boli te kurac sta ce ti bilo ko reci.

That 1 tier they added needs to go.

:SRB: Serbia

Edgecombe amazing prospect. This kind of experience can make him much better player.

Yea most meaningless games are in the first half of the NBA regular season so he gonna sit those out.

He have euroleague offer. That means he can reject 2 way contract. Its eather full contract or nothing.

thats a waste cos he can play in euroleague for one season. g league is below his standard. waste of time

Wait till u see the one that says "СРБИЈА"

Caruso and Dort cant be Topic competition they are 3&d wing defenders

And yet all of them pure defenders or scorers not single one with 10 apg potential

If team cant develop then why draft any player at all.

At current level Topic is at least ready for high level basketball as n1 pick from this draft. That is inside info.

Some other nba team gonna pick him up if thunder dont play him actually

He is 18 dude. 3-4 years of usa basketball life and cash from contract... even if he dont make it in nba league he gonna come back to Belgrade to earn million per year and play basketball till he is 40. No downside at all. As for OKC they got a steal of the draft cos of injury. High potential kid.

In 5 years Topic gonna be Allstar and Giddey on bench in Perth Willdcats

yes yes yes he is just one of the best talents in recent years that come from such shithole country that have so much bad basketball players very horrible

Kamo sreće. Novi stručni štab kompletan mora sigurno.

I kosarkasi su pa su pokorili evropu i svet druye

Lične frustracije, neznanje, stalne glupe mantre kako igrači igraju samo za klubove a ne za reprezentaciju kao i opšta neobaveštenost.

Sa obzirom na sve parametre koje postoje rezultati naše reprezentacije poslednjih godina su sasvim ok. Nema razloga za neki poseban hate al jbga mnogi su glupi ko kurac.

jadni samoprozvani centristi odnosno desnicari jadni samo nemaju bar 90% javnog i politickog prostora za svoje ideje gde nema drugog misljenja.

i zapamti liberali i levicari nisu jedno te isto da ga jebem jednom nek udje u glavu

:SRB: Serbia

Last week of the offseason for some kind of world super cup tournament. Thats only time this kind of game can happend.

NBA players wouldnt mind to have few competitive games instead of boring pre-season games.

Jebla Vas Muslin najveci od svih retarda ikada u nasem fudbalu