Wasatch Mountain Club for all kinds of fun outdoor adventures. All skills levels encouraged from beginners to experts.

I feel like Dim Dan thinks 'the robots will take care of everything'. SMH

One pizza to feed the entire family. "Here's your one piece."

And we can't even lovingly call them "MoTab" any longer. lol.

Thank you for this information. I appreciate your taking time to educate us about Sebastopols. Poor geese!

I am so glad I was WRONG! The baby donkey lives! Happy day! Seriously -- no snark. I don't think I could handle seeing another dead animal due to their negligence. Good thing Margot delivered without them having to intervene. Whew!

I would not buy any dairy products from them. There -- fixed it for ya.

Hannah is showing a whole lotta burning bosom with no garments in these pics. Especially for a Sunday. Just saying. Wacky Mormons!

I agree. She's gotta be expecting #9 for the pageant in August.

Keep going up Memory Grove to City Creek. It's one of our favorites. You can either walk on the road or there is a dirt trail that runs along it, too. Enjoy!

Wow -- You're right. You are a bitch with a keyboard. Have a blessed day.

Her hair looks absolutely fried. And no garments. Whatever.

Voluntells -- love this term so much!

Just speaking from my own personal experiences. There has always been a Priesthood holder at any of the family meals I've attended, so they give the food blessing. In my Christian upbringing, we had seven members of our family, so it rotated with each day of the week. My father was Sunday. My day was Friday. YMMV

My thoughts upon hearing my first Mormon food blessing:

  1. Why do they all have their arms crossed over their chests like they are really pissed about something? In my Christian background, we were taught to hold our hands in "prayer position" while praying.

  2. I thought it was nice they said to bless the people who made the food (women), traveled to be at the meal, and make it home safely. Never heard those things mentioned during a meal blessing previously. Now I realize it is the 'stock' food blessing that is exactly the same EVERY FREAKING TIME. Not an actual word from the heart or about the event where the food is being served. Again, the exact opposite of my Christian upbringing.

  3. Ohhhhhhh -- only Priesthood Holder MEN get to give the food blessing. Fuck the women who did all the work from planning the event, preparing the food, and all the clean up.

Mormon cult brain-washing down to a freaking food blessing.

Gotta be expecting #9 for the pageant in August.

Rules don't apply to them, doncha know? SMH

lol -- they don't use car seats in their passenger vehicles. They certainly don't use them in their farm equipment (because, duh, kids should NOT be in extremely dangerous farm equipment).

The girls can play Ellemae wresting gators in the shit lagoon. lol (Just being silly. Yes, I know Utah doesn't have gators.)

Different parenting styles and rules for different folks. In my extremely conservative Christian birth family household, the rule was to 'keep your hands to yourself'. No shoving. No pinching. No hitting. No yelling. No screaming. When I'm around my now husband's married-into-Mormon family with all the screeching, rough housing, and mayhem -- it gives me anxiety attacks and I have to excuse myself to walk home in peace and quiet. I believe my mother was sexually abuse by her four older brothers so her rules were in place to protect us girls from having those traumatic experiences as children.

In the yogurt/rhubarb Popsicle story, "Take a picture of me! Take a picture of me!"

There is an AMAZING private school, Park City Day School, nearby. WTF aren't the kids all attending there?

Is it George gutting a fish a few days ago and showing another one still alive and out of water today?