Pretty much everyone calls “foods I know my kid will regular eat” as “safe food” these days. From medical and feeding OT to Instagram accounts. It’s common language in kid speak 

If you go this route- I’d confirm the baby placement with the rep. The car seat is also required to go in the window so you might need to split up - parent+baby one row, parent+dog other row 

On college kids, at least in the U district, a lot of those leases get setup in the spring. I used to get my next place to live in like March/April time frame for a Sept 1 lease- especially U District Houses and most kids getting a house want to live close to campus- with a 45 minute by any means to downtown- OP has A HUGE range of choices on where to live.

100% it will be the bad vibes of that house, she just needs a clean break from it now that she's in a better head space.

the problem is that's minus a lot of fees that get paid out, agents, lawyers, perhaps a business manager (and normal expenses would eat into those REAL fast)

Being a SAHM means you've also worked all day- your job is childcare. If you have kids, either someone stays home or you pay for nanny/daycare. Once both parents are home- the workload across the house (cooking, cleaning, child care) needs to be 50/50.
OP- if you aren't pregnant, you need to have these conversations before doing so. I would look at fair play- the biggest aspect is having equal about of leisure time- while you are the solo adult responsible for child care, that's not leisure time

I imagine them trying to buy eras tickets would be a lot like it was at my office, everyone screaming at their computers "SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY"

I've been told that even if they rebook you on Delta, delta will basically deny you if you show up so not to bother. Delta is a spiteful B

I was at Seattle N1 and it's open roof but the sun didn't set until pretty far into the show so things like the light up bracelets were borderline worthless for the first few sets I heard N2 got a late start partially for that reason (google says sunset was around 9, it was a clear day and we have a long twilight period that time of year)

lol my husband manages all that so I honestly don't remember (I know, hides head)- I think round trip? this would be easy to find out though.

NTA- no one needs a lavish wedding or a honeymoon

AND if they are playing the whole "brides family pays for the wedding"- traditionally the grooms family pays for the rehearsal dinner AND the honeymoon.

do you have one companion fare? we do one parent + one kid= one reservation and then since you can use them to buy on behalf of others, other parent + other kid on a different points reservation then have the reservations linked. The best part is, if (and it's happened more than once) our flight gets cancelled- we use two reservations to get two hotel rooms comped

especially with cell phones! I'll be at XY, text me when you are done

My company who is cheap AF otherwise lets us pick dells or pretty good Mac books. It’s a bit of a mix in PMs in who uses what 

If you can- get involved! My kids go to a similar school and our PTA is hyper aware of the differences in ability to contribute and there is always a cash or time option as well as “sponsor another family”. They are baked teacher appreciation into the budget of the PTA to make it fair per teacher and things like the principal birthday would be a class banner AT BEST

my microwave is either "not done" or "food the temperature of the sun" but I love the reel of "I could never feed by family frozen dino nuggets, how lazy can you be? I at least microwave them"

my lazy is nuggets if I have them - one cookie sheet and they don't need to be cooked to precisely so I throw them in while the oven also preheats then I take them out. I don't need to watch water boil or cook precisely so they aren't mush or stir at all.

this is the WORST. Also who needs a breathable twin bed! at that point they can sleep like crazy monkeys and their body will fix it.

and maybe because I live somewhere cool and humid but to me it seems like such a trap for gross shit to grow without realizing it and then my kid would breath it in... like I'll take my plastically wrapped in plastic crib mattress thank you very much.

Exactly! I have teams on my phone for work so I can respond but that doesn’t mean my coworkers all get easy text access to me 

Just about to post that. SPS is fucked but for different reasons than Harrell 🤣

the only person who does it respectable is things.i.bought.and.liked because 1- she'll pony up her own money 2- it's individual teacher lists so they have less ability to solicit donations from outside means 3- her willingness to SHAME other brands into donating as well and her commitment to things like "diet coke won't donate, I'll no longer use them as a "this is how big something is" measurement. I love where she shames them into more by saying how many of something (like lake pjs) she owns.

I volunteer at my kids school and we have to take this training and it's basically like "avoid touching students at all costs, even side hugs are not ideal"

agree. I worked downtown for a lot of years and it needed another grocery store. Even in 2022 the lunch rush at that PCC was insane so I'm guessing they couldn't convert on the other aisles or the rent was eating to much into margins.

it honestly makes me wonder if she has two numbers or has a google voice number that she gives out to random things like this and once you are inner circle you get like the real phone number.