I loved pee wees big adventure as a kid, for the jokes I got. As an adult, I realized I missed about half of the jokes and loved it even more.

The lies are becoming the truth.

Be an ally for everyone they plan to target.

A back rub/massage.

It’s pretty much has a 90% success rate.

When they ask for one, NEVER say no.

Compared to what we know about history, how long do you expect this to last? What if I told you in about 200 years we would have bombs that could blow up the entire world? Write like that.

People who act tough usually can’t fight. I think the conservative meat heads/tough guys over estimate how few of them there are, and how many of their political allies are old, fat, out of shape losers.

Pain. I was once having sex with one of the most beautiful girls I ever met, and I had to stop because she kept biting me and she scratched my back so bad, it looked like tiger claws had done it.

I was 19, and this was my first time I turned down sex…only time EVER mid sex.

When she bites that strawberry in the video, I still lose my shit.

Yeah…but it’s Houston, ya know?

How foggy do those windows get when extreme humidity hits?

Before the octagon, boxing seats were like lakers courtside seats during the finals. All celebrities, seated closest according to their A-D list status.

Black celebrities USUALLY transcend this list-status between each other and reach back.

Not always, but some people “take everything personal.” 😉

Stop gaslighting people with whom you don’t agree with when facts directly contradict your beliefs.

It’s okay to say, “I was wrong.”

I used to work at Mars Music.

Big ups to anyone who remembers them.

I used my discount to wire my studio with all high end cables. Lots of famous/professional musicians would come in if they lived close by (Billy Tubbs and Destinys Child were in the Houston store quite a bit), and in Arlington, Pantera and their engineer were regulars. Dimebag got the most attention, but I started talking to their engineer every time he came in to ask audio questions and for advice.

One time he bought a bunch of Cable Up snakes (our cheap in house brand), and I had to ask what they were for…he said, “the studio, and don’t ever let anyone tell you that they sound different.”

I’ve never looked back since then…25 years ago, shit, lol

Racism lost so much bite with satire that made it look so stupid. Even antisemites saw these movies and saw how stupid their jew jokes were.

It’s weird, but when you think about the racism we have today and how it was probably worse in decades before, the 70s kinda get a pass for some reason. And I think it’s because it was the last generation that had a middle class that included both black and white. The ‘80s was the death blow to the new deal.

May be a reference to an old Hill Valley legend that’s been around for years, and because only a homeless guy saw it, nobody believed him, but there were pieces of evidence that suggested he was telling the truth, and over the years the legend continued to grow.

Could be a causality loop.

You look like you’re vacationing in the Smokey’s

That’s tough…they had an original sound, but it was a peak ‘80s sound

Nobody has any fucking balls anymore