What are you on?

Why is it that incorrect people are always necessarily rude? 

Sorry, I forgot to mention that the situation was somewhat reminiscent of the night in nineteen ninety eight when the undertaker threw mankind off hell in a cell and plummeted sixteen feet through an announcers table. 

I was walking past a pub not much past noon, when a man literally stumbled out of the door in front of us. He managed to gain his balance, took a breath to compose himself and said, 

'Hey lads... where am I?'   

Which was a bit surprising because he had just come out of the Trent Bridge Pub, directly next to the Trent Bridge over the river Trent in front of the Trent Bridge International cricket ground and the Trent Bridge Football stadium.   

'Trent Bridge, mate.'  

'Ah, thanks for that Lads... here I've got a tip for you...put all of your money on Snagglepuss in the 3.30 tomorrow, it's a sure thing...a sure thing,' before weaving away in what was presumably the wrong direction.  

We looked it up, saw it was a greyhound, so we each bet a fiver and obviously it came last. 

Check out rhodiola.

I think he missed the bit where the dudes brother eats soap. 

I'm assuming that is an Eccles cake in the bakery bag? If not, Eccles cakes. They'll be good for the flight at least. 

No one in this thread has claimed to have had it done, for what it is worth. 

I think it is pretty reasonable to expect such a defining aspect of a game to be the same throughout the series. I too would expect them all not to be turnbased if I'd played one that wasn't. 

As a youth I used to weep in butchers shops. 

I say I was atheist until 30, but this is shorthand really because when I was 16 switched to calling my self agnostic because I realised that Atheism is basically a belief on par with Theism, with all the same furver and certainty in the unprovable.   

I don't think anyone can ever prove for or against god, but I can attest that internally, it is a certainty based on very lucid mystic experience for me.    

Man, if you are striving to be a better person, increase your own love and compassion for others, then all is well.   

 My favourite non-thiestic quote about how to navigate reality comes from an Andean shaman/Curanderro (from the doc 'Humanos')   

 >We are here to understand, not to judge.   

This is one of the beautiful aspects of spiritual tradition that aid folks. Iirc, buddhists place their hands todgter and bow on meeting a new person because it reminds them that we are all equal and therefore they are reminded to clear their minds of preconception.    

We prejudge reality and people massively all the time as a remnant of our survival instincts. We see everything as we think all the time, instead of what is empirically there. We live in a dream of our own thoughts. 

I'm not a follower of every tenet of every faith. I'm not arguing for a western Catholic God. I think there is only one fabric of reality/awareness/consciousness and most religions have some core truths on the matter often obscured by translation, omission for control and added bile by those with agendas. (all religions having a core truth and being about the same reality is called the perrenial wisdom, Aldous Huxley wrote a very dry (IMO) book about it.)

Neutral in effect as far as I see it, for we have constructed our own dream and God is the fabric of reality on which it plays out.

Abraxas is a name for the concept of a god of both good and evil, but the bible has god saying something along the lines of 'Good and bad I do all these things'. Can't be arsed to look it up. I'm not a Christian. 

I don't need to deal with your snide tone. Have a good one. 

Evil is just a word. We take it to mean extreme bad on purpose. That is a value judgement. (The Buddhists use the concept of suffering to get around these judgements to a point.)

In Hermetics they had the dualistic poles....Hot and cold are two ends of the same scale. Neutral might be considered room temperature.

You can't a have a pole with good and meh at each end. Light casts a shadow. A place in which there is only light and peace and joy is commonly referred to as nirvana or heaven. 

The Epicurean paradox is an effort to logically rule out a God. So it may be dumb to you, but as long as it is possible it falsified the logical argument. 

Interesting question.

I think most people that come to a belief in a god of their own volition (not just going through the motions with their upbringing in a faith) do so because they have either experienced something that they consider cannot be explained or have taken a 'leap of faith' in dark times and seen results of a kind. 

It's difficult speaking about this with typical redditors because most of you are Americans who have grown up in a society where god=extremely restrictive abrahamic tradition/culture, and so have very narrow concepts of what God is. I understand the reactions. 

Personal faiths can vary wildly, so yes, some people's faith can twist their whole lives. An atheist until I was thirty, faith has only blown open my concepts of what is possible, capacity for love, understanding of reality and my fellow man. 

I am basically an idealist panenthiestic mystic. More or less I can't separate my belief from simulation theory, other than the feelings and joy and love I receive when behaving in alignment with.... my greatest good I suppose. 

I'm not personally sure what I vaugely think of as god has any ideas about us. The ego is a false construct that we use that is laid over the top of, what I consider to be our shared consciousness (awareness/amness) which is what I think God is. 

As Max Planck, father of Quantam physics put it 'you can't get behind consciousness, consciousness is fundamental.' (from memory). 

Lol I think you don't understand omnipotence. 

I think you didn't read the bit about there is no light without shadow. There wouldn't be a word or concept in any language for hot or cold if nothing reality differed from room temperature. 

A conceptual god can be omnipotent and not want to limit their creations in any way within the structure of reality. One man's good is another's evil also. Morality is reletavistic and cultural. 

Proclivity is already scripted into our code, whether you believe in God or not. Tweaking it to repel greed or cruelty for the sake of empathy or compassion seems very obvious and very easy. And no it does not impose on our free will anymore than it imposes on yours to want to be happy.

It's not easy, as one man desires rain and another next to him sun. One must suffer the lack of fulfillment of his desires. 

Broadly I think humans have a proclivity for lack of suffering, that is indeed coded into our bodies and desires to a point. Most people are good. However, hurt people hurt people. 

It's fun to think atheists don't get it but atheists were thousands of years ahead of you. You still don't get it. 

I was an atheist for thirty years and I'm not a Christian, so am speaking from a logical point of view. I don't need a god to be anything, I'm not even sure that, what I take to be, our shared consciousness has any desires or agency. I am a mystic 

No it wouldn't, free will breaks the paradox. 

Concepts can't exist without not-concepts. Good wouldn't exist if the concept of evil/bad/not good didn't exist. 

The Epicurean paradox also neglect other arangements such as human consciousness creating our current reality. 

What if God or something enabled us all to have the equivalent of spiritual VR and we ourselves are the creators of our own dreams/nightmares?    

Not sure why it is still looked on by atheists as a decent argument. There are loads more valid tenets of faith for richeously anti-christian American youths to rail against. 

I didn't particularly rate AI. 

You however, are behaving like a needlessly antagonistic prick in this thread. 

Unless stated it is not going to be grass fed/and or finished so it will have less Omega 3. The difference isn't massive but it seems to be important for my health personally. You could just have a few tins of sardines in brine as well. 

For what it's worth, I used to buy, what I now realise was, very low quality grass fed meat online. It tasted almost gamey.

Since sourcing half a cow at a time from a decent farm, the flavour is far superior and significantly cheaper in bulk. There are many factors that go towards the flavour of meat, and maybe worth another source before you rule it out 

A whole tit ton more? That's mammary miles better. 

100% No one is on screen less, or more hype, or has a more sumptuous lady friend.