Sentience is not the same as sapaience, which is what I think you are trying to ascribe to cats. To quote, "Sentience refers to the capacity to feel, perceive, or experience sensations and emotions subjectively. It's about the ability to feel pain, pleasure, and other sensations. Sapience, on the other hand, is the ability to think, reason, and possess wisdom.",%2C%20reason%2C%20and%20possess%20wisdom. I'm not defending the bf or anyone else just making sure the difference between sapaience and sentience is known.

Wait a minute. You're not my grandmother!!! You're a wolf! 🐺

It's too late after the fact. Disciplining a dog after, especially long after the deed doesn't get the message through, they won't associate the discipline with the bad behavior but rather with what they were doing at the moment of discipline.

To each their own. Imo chick-fil-a is way better in taste, texture, and service.

I already fielded this question.

Specifically, in that movie, not necessarily the books, he was all about self-sacrifice. Yes, he knew nagini was alive, but his teenage human mind in the heat of battle, thought let's kill this asshole even if it means my death. Without thinking about a further outcome

I'm not saying it's makes complete sense, just that it's a cool line.

I don't know if you have ever been faced with a no-win scenario, but that was movie Harry's nws. He's human he made a choice that in the moment seemed best for survival. Edit: best in his mind at the moment. 2nd edit: nit his survival, but the world's

Self-sacrifice is kind of his whole deal. At least in that movie. I love both the books and the movies, so I don't judge one against the other.

It's basically saying I'll kill myself and you with me. I'd agree with cringe before goofy. But still I really like it.

I really like that line, though. "Come on Tom, let's finish this the way we started. Together."

I think they both have dementia just different stages, I've seen a lot of Trump quotes that are just weird string together that mean nothing like absolutely nothing. Anyway, here's this

Don't hate our country hate those that run our government. Our country has much potential, many of our leaders however....

Did you know that, as a joke, Kevin Smith joined a protest against this movie?