Through the Fire and Flames

Destructive Power: A

Speed: A

Range: C

Durability: A

Precision: D

Development Potential: D

A humanoid stand that can possess and control fire. If there is no fire within a meter of the user, then the stand can't be manifested. Once it has inhabited a flame, it can move from fire to fire within a total of 8 meters around the user, but only if these flames are close to one another.

Through the Fire and Flames' size is determined by the size of the fire, but it can't grow larger than a normal human. When it possess flame and takes form, it appears as a humanoid torso with arms, but no legs, as its bottom melds into the flame. It has incredibly quick attacks and they can both crush and burn things with absurd power. However, its precision leaves much to be desired, and it can't interact with normal objects without risking breaking/burning them.

Because its made of flame, any and all attacks will simply go through it, making it completely useless to try and fight it head on. However, it depends on ordinary flames to exist. If the fire is doused, or its fuel source exhausted, the Stand will disappear alongside it. That said, this has no effect on the user, who can summon Through the Fire and Flames again, so long as they can produce a new flame.

You two sound like powerscalers 0_0

He didn't become OP or anything, but there was no way Joseph could have beaten the Pillar Men before training with Lisa Lisa. I mean, that was the whole point of his talk with Wamuu

I never said "all got significant power upgrades at the start or middle of the story", I just said they got upgrades

Ghiaccio can wrap himself in ice, but he can't just freeze his own body safely. I'm also not too sure about Cioccolata: he can put his mold inside of his body safely, but that's different than using it to destroy something. It's different from say, Prosciutto's ability

Against Diavolo, tricking him into hurting something GE made would have made Requiem completely unnecessary. Put an ant on his path and watch as he accidentally crushes himself. Or hide bugs inside the team's clothes, so that if he attacks, he gets countered

I mean, he only survived for long enough to get healed after...

Risotto could have survived for a tad longer if he didnt get "coup d'graced". Diavolo even argues it would be embarrassing dying slowly in front of your hated enemies

Reflecting back the damage against the life it creates

That one is a little more excusable since it was introduced earlier than the fight, but it eventually ends up in limbo (would have come in handy against Baby Face... Or Ghiaccio... Or Cioccolata... Or Diavolo...

Bruno vs Giorno, mostly because it's full of nonsense with regards to their powers (Bruno somehow managing to slip inside of a person in an instant, and two powers of Golden Experience that end up forgotten)

But yeah, in general, Part 5 is nothing but peak fights

Well, those are more like, required secondary powers, really. To some extent, moving things is a necessity when you're going to fix them

I mean, Jojo loves underdog heroes against OP villains, but Jonathan, Joseph, Jotaro and Giorno all got significant power upgrades.

And besides the length of stopped time, it's not really clear whether Star Platinum or The World is stronger

This is also what I like about Josuke

I love Part 5, but Golden Experience might be the worst main character stand

Leaving aside the smaller titans, does it have enough range to go atop the bigger ones =?

If it blows up a key item, you're *screwed*

Truly the most terrifying monster of all

Todos os vilões principais de Jojo tem ótimos finais, muitas vezes com uma boa dose de karma ou ironia

Hey, don't diss Manhattan Transfer, it fits the user's own skills

I can't really defend Talking Head, tho'

Give the guy a break, he has a shitty stand in a part full of top tier stands (and Talking Head)

Well, the very last time, he chooses to leave for good (when he has made 80 million dollars and Skyler convinces him to stop. He refuses to come back even when Lydia pleads with him.

Granted, that had a lot of "buts", yet it's still one time where he doesn't choose his ego.

I mean, honestly, that'd be Heaven's Door... Except it'd be so overpowered, it may loop back around to being boring.

I think I would prefer Moody Blues or Sticky Fingers