If you block, you don't get hurt except for when it's a strong attack. If you parry, your enemy's attack halts and sometimes makes them stunned.

Yeah I feel that, when the music is on and your blood is pumping it's kinda hard to focus on defence, no need to be disappointed, just a thing to bear in mind

Your blocks look like attacks, which is why you lost so much health. In a swordfight, you have to respect when it's your enemies turn to attack.

It will be on September 13th, yes. We just don't know which one. Could the 2023, could be 3032.

Yeah but you shouldn't make your 15 year old child have a permanent tattoo with you that will wrinkle up into a meaningless black ink stain just because you are dying. The kid is a very sympathetic guy but if the mother forced the tattoo on him, she's an asshole. A selfish asshole. If the case is that he came up with the idea and all that by himself, I take back my point. I'm working with the info we were given

Oh my fucking god I literally rephrased what I said and you still don't get it. I did not say the other metro games have "bad" graphics, only that they were bad compared to exodus. That's just a fact. Exodus has better graphics. You know exactly what I fucking mean with "God, this place", you fucker. I have never heard of those titles.

That's a bad mother, with a really good and caring son. The son wanted to fulfill their mom's wishes, and their mom was selfish to make their son get a tattoo at 15.

I can rephrase my original comment for you, it seems I wrote it poorly. I mean that metro exodus is just way better than the other games alltogether, including graphics. When I said that the other metro games have bad graphics, I was comparing them to metro exodus. God, this place

I jumped right into exodus without even having heard of metro before the game, I was interested after seeing how realistic it was with basically everything. Haven't played the older ones, except for 2033 a little bit, but I guess I am too gen z to appreciate good games with bad graphics 🤷

I get teammates who roam the entire map and leave one person to defend and prep site to get rushplanted

I swear this thing also happens to me the one time I go a shield op

LGBTQ community when the minority joked about is part of their alphabet soup


Lol why was the guy on the top downvoted?

I would recommend one from the oculus quest series, because it is standalone and doesn't need a computer. As far as I know I don't think there is a vr headset for Xbox.

If you're over 13 you're allowed to use vr, no matter if they've hit puberty. You're an asshole.