I had a mom friend like this and I distanced myself and no longer see her. She’s not a bad person, but we are on different paths and she didn’t really respect mine while I did hers. It’s ok to not continue a friendship that makes you uncomfortable.

This happened to my son around 3. He hit his mouth really really hard and his front tooth was gray for a couple weeks and went back to white. The dentist can tell it’s damaged but it looks normal to a regular joe.

That sounds like a good approach to me.

Speaking about disability I’m sure varies widely from person to person based on the nature/cause and just their own personality. My cousins use wheelchairs and know they wouldn’t mind being asked questions, but when my son has asked about other people he sees I usually say, “it looks like they use X to help them walk/move etc but I’m not sure why and we’ll respect their privacy.” I also find it’s a good line to just use for all strangers regardless what they’re asking about.

Super interesting. I want to go on a great 10 year anniversary trip next year but get so overwhelmed by planning travel because I have FOMO. I think the economical pricing is kind of reasonable if you’re going to spend money for a once in a lifetime trip and want help… I put in a generic request to see more details.

Jesse and his mom just broke my heart.

Also, Carl leaving without the luggage was such an insanely mean move. That would’ve made me so upset. It was just so deliberate.

These posts always make me physically recoil after going through early Covid lockdown with a 1 year old. It was such a nightmare, I can't imagine doing it voluntarily.

Our bumper group did a survey and I was absolutely SHOCKED at how like 80% of the people who answered had a family income of over $150-200k. It colored how I looked at every answer after that. I was like ohhhh ok….

I just looked up a Sequoia and Jesus Christ that thing is big. Making me laugh thinking about just two people going on a date in it.

Same! I'm a 100 pages in and I think I'm going to quit, which I almost never do, but it is just not grabbing me. I find the MC to be pretty annoying so I don't think I can do another 200 pages. The twist mentioned below is what I thought it would be...

Wow, this thread is incredibly upsetting. I think people way underestimate the daily lives of nurses and providers. The anecdotes in here are harrowing.

I was in here at the beginning saying, "how could they lock this lady up for no reason!" well WHEW BOY. It was kinda of chilling to listen to her be like, "I wrote that? I said that?" It's clear to me she had something to do with it, and I feel sorry for her little brother who has only known such intense trauma and dysfunction. I think the host was pretty shook by how much she believed Sophia in the beginning too. Wild story.

Thank you to the person who told me The Candy House was in the same universe as A Visit from the Goon Squad -- I read it this week and loved it just as much.

I just finished Happiness Falls and thought it was a slog... I ended up skimming most of the last 1/3 and overall did not really enjoy it. I was hoping for a punchier or more twisty ending and I thought it would've been more successful in the third person. I really didn't like the character who was narrating, and it felt kind of YA to me. (Not that YA is bad, it just wasn't what I was expecting).

I got halfway through the Heaven and Earth Grocery Store a month ago but took too long so I had to return it to the library -- just got notified it's available again and I can't wait to finish. I had a hard time getting into it, but it was just picking up when I had to give it back.

Does anyone have really good blackout shades on skylights at their house? We have used the blackout fabric from Amazon for a year or so but it's been hard to maintain on the angle and the stickies with velcro or the suction cups eventually fall off in the middle of the night. I'm looking at paying for some nice cellular ones made specifically for skylights but they are so many options and I'm afraid to splurge on ones that don't blackout well.

Or any other genius ways to keep skylights blacked out? They're not out of reach so we don't need anything to be remotely operated. The sun is rising earlier and earlier and so are the kids... SOS

Does anyone have good recommendations for fiction book review podcasts? I found one with two women a while ago I liked and I haven’t found it again! I usually do a Reddit search when I finish something I love but I’d be into listening to someone go in depth in lieu of finding time to start my own book club.

EDIT: Thank you for all these responses! I will look at them all.

This looks like mascara but has some kind of gel that helps keep hair down without looking like you used a ton of product. It was a lifesaver for me! https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B07MKBW3HS?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title

I'll be forever grateful to the stranger who convinced my 3.5 year old to get off the floor of the cafe we were in and into my car when I was about 8 months pregnant and almost in tears.

Yes! The place we looked at today is closed longer than the public school breaks of a week at a time, can close at any moment due to provider need, and is closed a lot of the summer and has a waiting list dozens and dozens long. I understand providers are human, it’s just that the system is so inflexible for most working people. Makes me nuts.

I’m looking for a new daycare that’s closer for my 1.5 year old — which is painful in itself — but I’ve been noticing how the “I’ve heard such good things” places are open from 8 or 8:45 to 2 or 3 and the “ugh yeah I’ve heard…” places are open from 7-4:30 or 5. Like who the F can do the “good” place with two working parents with more traditional hours?? Especially when our oldest is already in public school with limited hours and no after care. We live in a rural state in a semi rural community and it’s just really wearing on me. It feels so classist and everyone just repeats these ideas without looking any deeper at why they think a place is bad vs. good. I can barely get to our daycare at 4:30 as it is!! The kicker is they all have waiting lists a mile long regardless. ::screaming into the void::

Alison used to work with Jordan Ferney and they were together all the time. I wonder what happened there.

Skipping Protector is absolutely insane behavior.

This is such a good point. I also had two unmedicated births and I completely agree. I joke that I wasn't even there for my first birth because I don't know what can adequately prepare you for that -- for me it was definitely an out of body experience. Even with my second, knowing what was coming, I still needed so much support and coaching.