Rape culture... Hello from early 2010, where dangerhair landwhales screamed on top of their lung these words and everyone had to listen to it. There's no rape culture in Russia, dummy. There's only rape and it's punishable offence

Они прямо слюной исходят от мыслей о том как Русские солдаты кого-то могут изнасиловать

Встречный вопрос - как проходит мобилизация в Украине?

На тупые и повторяющиеся вопросы щитпостинг это не грех а заслуженная кара

We don't confuse you with Australia. Most of the times

True strength chads use Vordt's mace

Им нравится когда долбит сзади

considering how things were before he went out to college, I don't think it would end anyway other than cuddles

no. She would be locked in ending 2 but without Anon

It's boring, story meanders and Fang does not reconcile with her parents