Congrats on the successful surgery! Any complications from the procedure like numbness in areas of your body you weren't experiencing before? Good luck on your recovery!

"I'm managing" is a great reply. I use this as well. Honestly, it's kind of a conversation stopper, too, which I think is a positive because I don't want to talk about it (personally) in a social setting. If you answer anything negative they usually want to talk about what's going on or offer suggestions like the CBD cream their aunt's cousin used to help with pain when they pulled a muscle playing tennis.

Doubly so if you're paying 7.5% on that mortgage. Maybe if you're just putting a lot down or paying cash. I just hope that's what my neighbors are doing because I would hate to live in Foreclosure Villas when this economy goes tits up.

You mean $550k box homes? I live in a nice middle-upper class neighborhood that's being developed rapidly by Ball Homes (we all know them and have opinions). The prices they are listing homes for are just absolutely mind blowing compared to what they were in early 2020 when we locked in. 30-40% higher for a cookie cutter home with some "upgrades" on the smallest lot they can legally put a house on. People are gobbling them up, too.

Man I would be piiiiiiiiiissed if I bought a car like this and discovered an undisclosed issue like it. Keep in mind this is coming from a Toyota Tacoma owner, though, I'm just a McLaren fan. 😆

Thanks! ❤️ I turn 47 on the 26th of this month. Surgery on the 31st. Happy birthday to me! 😆

If in the US, this is actually a pretty realistic option. Morgan & Morgan!

Yes, I went from about 37 to 51deg in about 3 years (70deg standing). There are lots of variables in my case, I sat on my ass after the pandemic hit, with poor posture, and didn't take care of myself. Scheduled for major spinal fusion surgery in less than a month.

I did the same kind of dumb shit the 4th week of new truck ownership back in '21 with my TRD Off-Road. I parked in a grocery store parking lot in a space that had a shopping cart sitting it in. I couldn't see it over the hood. Wasn't used to the truck. Everything in my brain flashed "move the cart". Came back out, forgot it was there, pulled forward, sling-shotted it across the parking lot into another car (somehow doing no damage to it) and leaving a nice dimple in my new truck's passenger-side front quarter panel.

It happens, brother/sister... and yes, now's the time to get a bumper.

Yikes. Sounds like you're going down the right path. Is there another specialist in the area you're able to consult for a 2nd opinion? I've known so many people personally and heard so many stories on this subreddit who have been through this and I've never heard of anyone having complications and pain like you are. Were you in a neuro-ICU after the procedure?

Amen to that. I don't get into the fireworks thing, but I enjoy spending the day with family and friends and enjoying the freedoms we have... including the freedom to be miserable and in pain and complain about it openly, talking about how much our government has screwed us over as chronic pain patients. Try doing that in China or Russia! 😆

People have surgery all the time to correct physical characteristics they're uncomfortable with. People don't have surgery all the time to correct physical characteristics they're uncomfortable with that directly involve manipulating the core of your central nervous system. If this is a route you're thinking about going down, and it is an option, I would think very carefully about doing so and the potential negative outcomes. In the absence of pain, numbness, or loss of mobility, I personally don't think it would be an option for me. But to be honest, realistic, and vain, it would be on my list of potential options. I wish you luck and happy, healthy times ahead!

As someone who has been in chronic pain for 20y, to avoid having to treat a potentially chronic pain condition requiring prescribing opioids. The imaging looks like bad stuff is going on to me, but I'm not a doctor. I have seen lots of imaging of my own back (scoliosis) which gives me sciatica, and have "unhealthy" looking discs like you see on your imaging. Get a 2nd opinion.

It's the only reason I have a Roku plugged into two of my TVs. Yes, it's more money, but the F1TV app on Roku is very good and seems to be well maintained. This is probably the platform they decided to focus on rather than creating a crappy app for every smart TV out there and trying to maintain it all.

You're getting a ton more HP and torque and a better torque curve (for pretty much every driving situation - except maybe racing on road courses which would be hilarious). If you want something fuel efficient, you bought the wrong vehicle. Even in its class it doesn't offer the best MPG.

Yes. Lots of people. Myself included. You're on the right track. Keep it up! It sucks, but you can do this.

:kentucky: Kentucky Wildcats

...and financial backing.

:kentucky: Kentucky Wildcats

Really unfortunate he just totally seemed to check out... while still cashing those checks. He just had no fire left. I hope he gets the passion back at Arkansas, and I mean that sincerely. Everyone should be so lucky to love what they do for a living. It will be a fun rivalry whichever way it goes. I think it will take a few years for both Pope and Cal to get their feet under them, but who knows. I think Pope certainly faces more of an uphill battle with the front end of the process - bringing in the recruits.

I hope Arkansas fans like a one-and-done basketball program. I didn't.

We're about the same age. I've always felt the same way about this car. It's truly timeless.

This is a very thoughtful post, but I stand firm in my position: The only people who truly hate the 4th of July are people with young (<3yo) kids and dogs who are skittish about fireworks... or both. 😆

:kentucky: Kentucky Wildcats

Hear me out... what if Calipari went to Arkansas?

This is so terrible and I'm sorry you've had complications. Remember to advocate for yourself in terms of pain management, especially in an in-patient hospital setting. There's no reason you should be in pain laying in a hospital bed, especially to the degree it seems you are. You've had complications from spine surgery. Demand the good stuff. I had to do this for myself recently during a 5 day ICU stay and they took care of me when I started communicating my discomfort in an assertive manner.