Oddly, I picked up one of their journalists hitchhiking in Scottish Highlands.

Was interesting googling the name afterwards and seeing controversy around takes on Palestine.

I assume its similar to blindness, where total blindness (0 vision) is exceptionally rare, and just varying levels of blur are the main form. So I guess a lot of deaf people have some hearing, but probably not enough to make out lyrics, but likely enough to enjoy music.

Deaf/blind are generally a spectrum condition, to add to your good point

Subway bread, made like American bread, is legally cake in Ireland for taxation purposes

People seem to think prototypes are going to look good rather than whatever will work for testing out the mechanics and basic feel.

When you're prototyping something, function comes before firm. If you don't do that, you get a shit product a lot of the time

Poland is becoming a very strong land power, rapidly UK and France both independently have expeditionary and nuclear options Italy and Germany have huge military contractors, and large militaries Smaller countries, notably Czechia, Nethetlands and Sweden also have some incredibly strong military industrial bases and specialised forces

Europe collectively is equivalent to the US on expenditure, and has far, far more in uniform and far more of certain equipment than the US. And Europe is about 90% concentrated on Russia, whereas the US is maybe... 30-40%

Scotland here, right to roam is amazing, and so happy we have it too. Here the requirement is no garden's and leave everything as you find it

Sex education before the age of 10 is normal where I am, it's just not sexual in nature, and more covering feelings, puberty etc

Paths cam be used by cyclists depending on area, these gates get used frequently where I am to slow cyclists down, coming up to a hidden hazard, like a road or blind bend, normally spaced similar to traffic control islands or chicanes.

Seen these on expressly dual use paths which have signage for bikes and pedal

It's a safety feature, so I don't know if you guys will be posting speed bumps next

Inquisitor is a good series on YouTube with a 40 def uim 807

Or gave you war time maritime advice and intelligence your admiral for the atlantic ignored, costing an insane amount of US shipping and lives for no other reason than looking down at us

It'd bee good if jobs in general paid a living wage....

As a cis white man, the trans/queer meme posting here is better than most subs.

Basically, the gays are better and I accept their overlordship

:scotland: Scotland

I'm assuming he means Armenian American like Americans mean Irish or Italian Americans, I.e. several generations removed and culturally just american

It's also primarily there to advertise gambling, which the company is deeply interlinked with.

There's been a bit of a shit due to old school runescaper streamers moving there due to massive pay checks.

Platform just seems dodgy af in every way

Pepper spray is illegal to carry in my country, because people are dumb and will use it aggressively.

Best way to stop rape is to change culture

I'm not american, I'm still confused wtf the Stanley Cup thing was

Jimmy Saville house in the Highlands has been repeatedly been used by people I work with as a way point, under the name "the paedos house"