Partassipant [2]

NTA because yeah, a lot of those things you brought up are the realities of piercing but it's not the hill you should die on. Likening piercing and body modification to trans individuals deserve some kind of AH award tbh, and I would be seriously questioning your husbands views on trans individuals after this.

And yes, take your daughter to a professional piercer. I'm old enough to have had piercings done at a doctor's office, in a hair dresser, and by a piercer at a tattoo studio (all lobe piercings, some were repiercings) and without question, the best was the professional piercer at the tattoo studio. I was more informed, it was less painful, it healed faster and cleaner, and functionality/aesthetic was considered in regards to placement.

... TIL this and it makes me irrationally mad.

I'm still calling him Go-ti.

ever since you married batman no one wants to be around you

You are far more articulate than me, you've nailed it. And honestly, I hate being the center of attention, so making a huge scene is the opposite of my end-goal.

ever since you married batman no one wants to be around you

I'm more of the 'take OOP's option during the dinner, but in reality I've just uploaded all my evidence of his fucking around to social media/a group chat whilst I'm giving my speech' type.

Mostly because it sounds like the dinner was a big deal and if there are important or useful people in that audience, I don't want them to remember me, let alone as the woman who played her cheating ex's sex tape at a ceremony. I'm not cannibalizing my future because he's low quality.

Kuchi Kopi

I want to see Sam as Tina's friend. Since Tina was so determined to have a peer group, I want it to be Sam and Susmita. I can see a really fun episode where the three have some kind of plans that Tammy mocks, and in the end, Tammy, JJ, Zeke, and Jocelyn want to join them because what Tina et al are doing is fun and cool.

Not yet, but I'm wavering.

Mostly I want to get my hands on the Thundersticks ASAP for the battledome stage.

Nope; they've pinned/tailored them to the model, and heavily photoshopped so they look opaque.

Because OOP is actually in the wrong - they have an illegal amount of chickens for the space, which could definitely cause a hygiene/vermin issue.

Trying to come to terms with the fact Xaxbella is the least offensive option.

Listen, Feral TV was excellent and honestly, Madigliana taught a generation of little girls not to take shit from mediocre men.

Warning: Product contains neither ice nor cream. May contain trace elements of Mexican cheese. Do not consume.

Tiktok capitalism. Considering that the trend ended up enticing preteen girls, I'm glad Kmart came out with dupes for $15. A branded one was at least $80. I'm sure all the Frank Green and Stanleys on the wall at DJs will be heavily reduced in the next six months if anyone is looking for Xmas presents or a cheap cup.

I find the design bizarre, not to mention the fact the straw is always out in the open which feels unhygienic. As someone who Likes Cups, Stanleys gave me the ick.

I know there was an effort in between the last two census regarding making sure indigenous Australians who didn't have official documents like birth certificates because of a lack of fixed address could both access those documents and still be included in the census. Not to mention the rise in genetic websites and online family tracing.

They'll have to drag me kicking and screaming over to Neopass. I trust them zero percent. The only successful security measure I've seen was the pin code and birthday verification features that were added in, what, 2009?

At least 50% of the hair salons have to be. Newcastle has an obscene amount of hair salons for the size of the city, and so many of them are empty most of the time. There's no way they are sustaining a business cutting and dying hair.

I know Vegos do a huge trade in Ubereats.

But the shine also went off that business when it turned out they were just frying frozen fake meat and charging fresh-made prices.

For Christmas warehouses, often the pop-up spaces are cheaper to rent than storage facilities for stock.

Aesop Control and Skin Control patches. Aesop Control is for the overnight, fix the horror on my skin ASAP intervention. Skin Control is for smaller generalised management.

I'm ready for the inevitable Edna-Gabbo fusion.

The cat is perfect. Add some more stars or clouds to make it less matchy, but don't cover it up with a yin yang (unless it's cat-themed).

Just finished a 750k fic and the ending was a letdown. I'm still cranky, mostly because of the incredible potential of the world-building and small lore changes that were made. We were so close to greatness, and the last two chapters just did not offer pay-off for the tension. Still beautifully written, but... yeah, cranky.

Partassipant [2]

NTA. I'm assuming the currency is yen or something.

You didn't spend the money. Whilst you should have established what happened to the change when the arrangement was made, what's done is done. It's not really skimming when you haven't spent it or concealed the true cost of what you've been doing.

Fish flops were a galaxy brain creation. If only there were more variations of fish.

Apparently you can get secondhand embarrassment from a brand. It feels like someone put 'forgettable mid-range brand for women who post GRWM on Tiktok to complain about their Tinder matches' into A.I and made the results reality.