He didn't. Donald Trump was cited by investigators as the only person to assist them in bringing him to justice. And the DOJ overseeing the prison were actively conspiring with democrat operative to fabricate claims against Trump, and conceal damaging information relating to democrat frontrunners. And IF he did, why leave loose ends, without gishlaine there would have been nothing to tie anyone to tell incidents.

To stand trial and not be epsteined.

The only thing not going away are your delusions and the fact that Joe biden molested his preteen daughter.

Did you even read the filing you linked, the judge dismissed it because the plaintiff refused to cooperate or even make a claim. It's propaganda to smear Trump in the election cycle and nothing else.

Also go pull up the full context, he wished her well so that she could stand trial. And it was in a federal prison overseen by a federal agency that had been actively propagating lies to smear trump, to say it was his bop is laughable.

Date Filed: April 26, 2016

Date Terminated: May 2, 2016

Yeah that lawsuit that didn't even last a week before being dropped is definitely the rock solid proof you thought it'd be.

You know to really hit it home you should post the one that was thrown out by the judge because the plaintiff refused to bring forward any evidence, not even an on the record accusation.

Joe biden sexually molested his own daughter, and she herself admits the diary was real.

I'm litterally saying that being able to do that would be a bad thing, you're the one arguing that you should be able to clear in the red without rerolling at all. Removing the difficulty like that would make the game mode completely un fun and feel even more like a chore. The content as it stands is hard but not unfairly hard, and once you've progressed and cleared it it will progressively get easier to the point when you no longer need blessings. You know actually power progression and not just, oh your 50k under and got 2 good blessing, guess you can just auto it.

Okay yes the exaggeration is obvious but in one you are complaining that you can't clear the hardest constent while substantially underleveled and in the other you'd be massively overleveled for one of the easiest bosses.

If you could clear while severely underleveled with no blessings then it'd be a cake walk if you had any at all with even the lowest white and that would be no fun given that the second you get the new artifsct the entertainment fron difficult content is completely gone.

You're also not factoring in that once you get a full set for jinwoo, even just a 4 piece you no longer need to reroll at all as a F2P to be able to clear easy which will massively speed up your ability to clear normal as we get to do the content more.

Taking away the difficulty would completely ruin the game mode.

:Fold5_Phantom_Black: Fold5 (Phantom Black)

Fun fact, both phones tend to lag behind in blind tests, same as the pixel fold. Turns out all folding phones camera are "trash" they all tend to score similarly trading blows in various aspects.

Crease tho there's no excuse. That shit was figured out in gen 2.

Bruh you don't even need to be remotely close to 400k for t10 igris. Is more like being at 70% cp and expecting to full clear t10.

You shouldn't expect to clear content when in the red, there's a massive penalty specifically so you don't. If you want to put in the time an effort to reroll to clear early then it's nice to be able to do so, but you shouldn't expect to do it every time without any issues while like 30k in the red.

Its not about being overpowered against it it's litterally just being on level. Once you get about halfway between red and the reccomended you really don't even need to reroll if you have the right characters and weapon. But again if your in the red then you shouldn't expect to clear things easily theres supposed to be progression.

That's fine to not like it, but that reasoning is flawed. Being able to find out perfect blessings to clear it while way under power is a benefit, you aren't supposed to clear content in the red being possible but annoying isn't a negetive, you will eventually get to the point where blessings don't matter when it comes to just clearing content.

Humans both look and smell sick to most animals and on top of that we make loud noise followed by attacks at impossible distances. Animals should be terrified of humans.

You start progressing really fast once sets start filling out. I jumped 20k for filling out 1 side of the new sets. And I was already at 420k.

Silverman is a good dps but he's awkward to play and isnt useful for the current end game content, at a3 hes a solid unit but he doesnt really synergize well with the 3 new sets. Right now water units are a big focus due to workshop being entirely water based. Missed out of cha and alicia both of which are the top dps units. Cha was added to standard banner so you can pull her, but alicia won't be ther for another week when meilin leaves.

Seo is being given out for free, should still be time to get her if you stat on the event now and focus on her. Plus there's potentially 2 copies of her weapon and a swimsuit costume you can get for free.

Got a new mode not long ago with new artifacts, theres another character dropping in a week. And they revised their road map with more details of characters and content.

Yeah, those price increases hit like a truck. There were some good deals before, now even the cheap stuff is barely reasonable. I know some people working in fast food and foot traffic has dropped a lot.

Or if your in California ~30% in the last few months and I'm not even joking. Litterally last year I could get a baconator, large fry, and a frosty for less than the cost of the burger today.

Slang always existed but it's gotten so so so much worse enemies even at this kids age the kids in my school would still be understood by my 70 year old grandparents today. If I showed them this kid they'd think he was possessed. It's never been the case that someone less than 10 years ago doesn't even comprehend how it for this bad and it feels like 90% of it happened this year

I would get plastic surgery, fake my own death, change my name, and move to a country that doesn't speak English to hide my shame.

They said all missing cases should be shipped around the end of June, should be any day that they start shipping.

:Fold5_Phantom_Black: Fold5 (Phantom Black)

Way better 1 handed use without compromising video size for most content on the internal screen.


Yep they think it means that all regulations and laws that are enforced via federal agencies will just dissappear. In reality all that has happened is their scope has be vastly narrowed to only what is passed by congress, it has brought far more control to the people of law and regulation.


Should see what they are saying about the Supreme Court overturning the chevron doctrine. They have absolutely no consistency now understanding of the world. See so many people calling it a threat to democracy that unelected, uncountable bureaucrats can just declare me laws for everyone in the country and unilaterally revoke inalienable rights.

They've also got a new story running that trumps a Russian agent.

And they are still pushing that trump was diddling kiss with epstein when the documents that they are sighting literally says that the victims that have spen put have never interacted with him. Not to mention that their own arguement hinges on Trump petitioning the court to hide his name despite him never doing that and his name appearing in the same document.

I still find it funny that their idea of an "average looking woman" is just a man with tits and yet they bitch that were the ones who've never met a real woman.


They were both lying, the difference is to Trump everything is the biggest, the best, or the greatest. Where as Joe biden claims shit without any ounce of truth.