If you’re already halfway through a bachelors, I would get a degree in accounting. That’s what I’m doing. Huge demand for accountants right now and even more demand in the future because people aren’t getting accounting degrees. If you want to make excellent money, you’ll need to get your masters then CPA though.

I don’t understand this reasoning at all. Are you saying the best private schools in Peru are not as good as good public schools in the US (I’m assuming you don’t have the money to send your future kid to the best private schools in the US). If so, do you have any stats or research on this or is it just hearsay?

I honestly think raising a kid in the US is far worse than in basically any country unless you’re sending them to some top tier private school. Raising the kid in the US they are much more isolated, will eat much more unhealthy food and will be less physically active so I genuinely don’t understand the appeal of raising a kid in the US.

Definitely take the job in the US and move back to India. Earning US dollars in India is life changing financially. You would be stupid not to take it. You won’t have to worry about racial abuse but the dating scene in the US is awful. The vast majority of women in the US are not interested in having a relationship. Also many US women are not attracted to Indian men. Unless you find a subculture of Indians and date within that group, you won’t be dating. Instead improve your physique, develop hobbies and save up some money. Maybe get a second job.

You could also travel to Latin America countries where prostitution is legal since you’re 22 and your sex drive is through the roof. Mexico I’ve heard is a good option although my experience is in other LATAM countries.

Exactly this. It’s what I did. Unfortunately though I got laid off right after moving. But so did my boss and his boss at the same time. My employer never mentioned anything about it.

100% this. The more you invest when you’re young the less you need to invest when you’re older. A lot less actually because of compound interest. OP, use this calculator to find out what I mean. https://dqydj.com/sp-500-periodic-reinvestment-calculator-dividends/

Cameron Diaz is an underrated actress. She was phenomenal in Vanilla Sky.

People saying you should tell your employer are naive. What if they say no? Then do it anyway? Asking for forgiveness is nearly always better than asking for permission.

Hot showers definitely do. I still take them but after I shave I go back into the shower and take a cold shower. Great results.

The sooner you accept that you got a worthless degree the better off you’ll be. The only benefit you received from that degree is it checks off a box that you have a bachelor’s degree. That’s it. Nothing else. You might as well have a Poly Sci or History degree. Program Managers make $90K a year so to even have that in your consciousness is delusional. You need to look for basically anything. Office manager. Assistant level type of jobs. Or start over and get into blue collar work or CDL. Or go back to school to get a real degree like accounting, computer science, engineering, nursing. Those are your options. Or join the military is an excellent option as well.

Program manager with a film degree? Lol

Yes let’s pretend the boomers didn’t screw over everyone else.

Read The Rational Male by Rollo Tomassi for an explanation of what happened.

Studying for CPA before graduation GENERAL

I’m getting a MAcc and I have a year left (undergrad degree not business related). I have taken Intermediate Accounting 1, Audit, Federal Income Tax and currently in Cost Accounting. I haven’t taken Intermediate 2 yet and unfortunately it’s going to be in my last semester.

Is it worth studying and taking the exams before graduation or would I be completely lost because I haven’t completed Intermediate 2?


How did it go? I’m assuming you didn’t get the job since you mentioned the company name. Do you think it was a job that was advertised as remote but it wouldn’t have actually been remote had you got it (bait and switch basically)?

New grads who got fully remote positions. How did you do it?Career

Those who got fully remote positions after graduation: what was your compensation and what advice do you have to get fully remote positions? Also was it industry, tax or audit or other?

I see fully remote positions on LinkedIn but the pay is usually around $55K which I’m willing to take but Houston (where I’m from) is starting graduates at $75K

So true. It was like 30% cheaper in my estimation. I was only there for less than a week though so I can’t be sure.