I did it with Efficiency 5 netherite and a Haste 2 beacon and it took me hours but it wasn’t a crazy amount of time. And it got me enough materials to last a long time.

I did it. It’s a hole and now I can say I did it.

Native Speaker

Because the OC said “You shouldn’t learn English from memes” and OP replied with “I know but this is the only proper way to learn English” as in, memes are a proper way to learn English.

Native Speaker

That makes sense. It was a bit of a dumb question, sorry. It’s called military time here cause it’s used exclusively in the military. I don’t think the 24-hour clock was ever brought up in school when we were learning time, which shows how uncommon it is here I guess.

Native Speaker

This is a bad sentiment to have. What if they don’t have a computer or phone on hand and there’s no clock in the room? Almost always when I ask the time it’s because I can’t check it myself and can’t find a clock. Like, if I’m outside and my phone is dead. You know the time, and it’s more effort to give a vague answer than a straight one.

Native Speaker

I’m from the US and I find this interesting. Do you still prefer military time? It feels confusing to find the difference each time. Or maybe you have it memorized I suppose

Native Speaker

I mean the dude doesn’t have to say something if he doesn’t wanna. I’ve never used “quarter to” and “quarter till.” 3:15 or 3:45 gets the idea across just as well, if not better

Native Speaker

That’s because of timezone differences. No one says that in person

What is this creature called? I’ve seen it before

It’s because the interesting ones get upvoted and pushed to people. Browsing new shows a good amount that are truly uninteresting


It’s a really good edit, similar to a fan-made anti-piracy screen.

It was a very well-made edit. It’s fake.

My cousin (10) was playing VR yelling “they’re gang banging me, they’re gang banging me!”

I remember being 12 and in class talking about Pokemon and pretty loudly saying dildo instead of ditto because I couldn’t remember the name of it, and dildo sounded familiar (I wasn’t sure what it was at the time).

I think they’re saying the post will be locked cause of all the 9/11 references.

By the way, 20> means less than 20 weeks ago. I feel like this wasn’t what you meant considering you put “however.” >20 means more than 20.

Make cakes overpowered, like they give you extra hearts and a status effect for a limited time

He’s alright. Pretty good for a protag

By the way that same date and time was Lu Guang’s password. 091305

I interpreted it as a shooting pain since he was shot but still fighting while trying to act all okay