Ran into an interesting situation today. We are leasing a new vehicle and called TD Insurance yesterday to get a quote on the new vehicle. At the time, we weren’t sure if we were going to pull the trigger and wanted to know the rate to factor into our budget. We were advised of the amount ($2009 for the year) and told that the quote was good for an amount of days that I cant recall (40 I think). We ultimately decided to get the car and called TD to have the insurance added for pickup on Tuesday. The agent confirmed everything with us but it’s clear they don’t just “copy” or “activate” the existing quote and instead build a new one from the existing. She finally confirmed the amount of $2079 for the year. I inquired as to why it was $70 more than yesterday. To my surprise she said the quote doesn’t actually guarantee the rate and that it can change from day-to-day. After asking what the point is then of even saving the quote and telling me how long it’s good for, she agreed it’s quite silly but that rates will change regardless of a provided quote. She ultimately offered a loyalty discount that brought it down. Is this normal? I don’t think I’ve ever actually confirmed the rate before as I just assumed they would give me the rate associated with the saved quote.