Hahaha I needed comic relief. Did anyone ever tell you what a twat basket you are?

Good I hope your white, Christian, privileged ass had a really rough time.

You are the exact type of person I always hope to avoid during my day.

Be patient. I was looking at photos of me at 1.5 years versus 2.5 years where I gained 20 lbs from 130- 150 and it is literally shocking how much my face and body have changed. I went from coked out 🚂🦵to model in the course of 18 months.

Have a little faith in the process

“For months, President Biden resisted COVID-19 vaccination mandates because he didn't want to make the vaccines any more politicized than they already were”

Do you even listen to yourself? A simple fact check says Biden did the exact opposite of what you are describing.



Vaccine politics were the #1 reason so many people died, and all of those politicians screaming about how evil the gubmint was came from the Republican side of the aisle, as usual they turn everything into a culture war distraction.

My doctor can send big scripts to another state like VA, it’s only 90 min from here. Alternatively you can either take a vacation to beautiful Mexico and mail some back, or set up some crypto and buy it online.

Oh not my father. He would cut anyone down in the middle of a sentence over him being conservative

It’s almost a bad faith argument. Bigots don’t care about scientific evidence or abductive reasoning

This is the moms for liberty post Libs of Tik Tok hate crowd they would sell their souls to garner the smallest amount of PR.

How could you be a woman in support of less rights? No more contraceptives or controlling your period, no IVF. No miscarriages or accidents for abortions. If you are unlucky enough to have one you gotta stick with that fetus even if you could die. You are the biggest idiot ever if you can support this nonsense as a woman with critical thinking skills

There was some asshat with his wife or SO walking around our town mall with a MAGA hat & matching shirt on.

I just fucked my boyfriend’s brains out & I always come here to hornypost but I won’t need feedback for that for the foreseeable future because I already have enough people ogling me. 😱

My own administration is against any social transition or surgery for my breasts, because such a thing doesn’t exist. It’s a fantasy much like republicans are living in every day now.

If it makes you feel better my boyfriend has been very supportive & understanding the past two years we’ve lived together and I really do feel I found my soulmate in every way. It’s allowed me to heal from a 125lb drug addict & drunk to a totally sober & clean reality. If it wasn’t for him bearing witness to my anguish I don’t know what I would have done.

For me it’s impossible to treat my individual situation without understanding a ton about my unique multiformity conditions.

Because I was abused by a cis woman who had BPD and psychotic tendencies. She smacked my head with a large wine bottle while I was sleeping. She tried to kill me multiple times even after I broke it off she kept breaking into my house to hurt me.

My story is not uncommon. I was also abused as a kid by Lutherans. Trans people generally have some form of gender dysphoria, body dysmorphia in addition to PTSD, ADHD, Asperger’s, and other mental illness, or they are on the spectrum.

Quit using dating apps. Use hashtags on Snapchat & turn on location. You will find many men

I’m in NC too. If they try to take away our hormones don’t worry we got backup on backup plans here.

I don’t care really. I have a big strong man to protect me and he likes guns, and I personally refuse to be afraid of cissoids. I shall vote and spread awareness but I will not live in fear.

We have always existed. I exist right now and I’m bent on keeping it that way. Nobody can take our existence from us. We will always find a way to DIY or help each other survive. There are 89 million trans people in North America alone. Resistance is futile.

Go vote for Ross Perot then

Biden is the only choice that makes sense in such a short time frame. Get over it.