These arguments always lean so heavily on stereotypes if it was housing it would be condemned.

You are not a serious person. There is a difference between a government and a family business. One has resources the other does not, which is why we set up government programs in the first place.

It's not an honest position to demand any person that wants to make the world better through government first expend everything they have before doing so. The reason people do this is because they don't want government to help people not because they think it's ideologically required.

Does Nintendo usually give exact dates for releases that were over a year out? I assume no because Nintendo has been known to delay internally for quality more than other big names.

:flag-tx: Texas

I didn't see specifics for this proposal but there are a few ways. Laws have to be enforced by someone. Instruct those people not to expend time and money on those crimes (and focus on others). Police officers work for the city, city DAs work for the city. This principle is basically the same underlying principle cited by SCOTUS to allow the bounty hunter law to go into effect. There the claim is no state actor enforces that law so no one can sue the state to overturn the bounty hunter law.

That doesn't mean there will be zero typos which is what is being complained about.

What would be your rule for determining the correct number of editors (and cost)?

Considering the number of newspapers closing across the country I think imperfect but understandable content is 100 times more important than ensuring there are zero typos.

One security training course I went through long ago suggested taking a part of a song phrase or poem fragment you already know, decide if/how to break up words and substitute not just single characters but possibly chunks and inserting symbols in the middle of words. You already know the song or whatever so you are only remembering a few changes (target like 4 or 5) on top. There is a lot of entropy but the memory need doesn't increase by as much.

Your framing is not genuine. There is almost nothing non academic that happens at school that is reported to parents. This entire argument isn't far from how suspected gay kids were treated in school in the past.

Isn’t it a parent’s right to know what their kid is going through?


their most influenceable years

Have y'all never met a teenager? Jesus

People put too much emphasis on having perfect spelling. It's not a transferrable skill.

That's barely a city at all. If it weren't for the tower I'd say it's more like a town-ship or township-ship.

Respiratory diseases increase the risk of developing childhood asthma. Prevention of these early infections likely could reduce childhood asthma.

Team members relied on good faith statements on work from home, they changed their lives around without negative impacts to the work. Just undeniable pure improvements. Those are the members most impacted by the recent mandate.

:flag-tx: Texas

They actively want him to "fight" without backing down. That's the primary motivating factor behind all of his actions here. It's why he pushed every boundary he could in every way he could, pushing the boundary was itself positive even if it put the case in jeopardy.

Sony could try and put in an offer during the liquidation. If it looks like it will come out net positive for the creditors it could happen.

A close relative's friend from college moved to DFW in the last two years or so. We expected it was due to family. Nope. They don't have family here anymore. They proudly declared they came because they like the laws the Texas legislature was passing and to a lesser degree Abbott specifically. They didn't know that everyone else at the table dislikes both of those things so I tend to believe they meant it.

I had a coworker like that. I would occasionally talk about politics with him. After about a year or two he hadn't changed his position on politics being pointless but I mentioned some of the positions Beto (during his Senate run) had and he walked away sceptical but interested. The next day he had done a 180 and had selected several people he was going to vote for despite never having voted before at 27 or 28.

Moral of the story, keep talking even if it's hard. It helps of you have a candidate you really like and can be passionate about. They'll see it matters to you and might reconsider their priors enough.

Marvel's performance is probably part of why people aren't going back. At the same time from your link 2023 gross was $8,908,261,473. That number was higher from 2006 to 2019 and also 2001 to 2004. Ironman was released 2008. Marvel doesn't make sense as the main driver.

The entire franchise company filled for liquidation. The trustee can do clawbacks of anything remotely recent, so no one could really get away with "take the money and run" in the timescale of unionization. The franchise company has been operating at a loss for at least 2 years, they don't cite labor costs but viewership. Your idea just doesn't make sense.

If you don't get an email or something this week you could try contacting your bank to reverse due to undelivered goods.

Attendance never rebounded to pre-pandemic levels and the strikes were only last year. There is no way covid isn't a major (even potentially most significant) cause. Maybe COVID caused other changes in viewership too but to claim that this was do to the strikes is just plain wrong.