This isn’t on Fogu as far as I know.

Which part is giving you trouble

I dont think “coddle” is the right word, nor is it the truth. “Society” treats victims like shit, full stop. Judges let off rapists for having promising lives ahead of them, an entire town rallied around two boys who raped a girl and put the video on facebook because the boys were football players.

We literally just saw a General in the Air Force get let off for blatant sexual assault of a woman who reported directly to him. Like, that was a week ago.

We put both those victims (and nearly EVERY victim who actually sees trial) through a battery of questions about what they were wearing, what they said, what they did, what they didnt say, and more, after making them relive their assault several times on and off of a stand in front of the general public. And none of that is even considering how many victims who never get to even press charges, the impact reporting has on the victim’s career or social status, the millions of backlogged rape kits.

“Society” does not “coddle” any victim. And even if we did treat victims with the dignity and respect they deserve, that wouldn’t be “coddling”.

I agree that the showrunners have mishandled this and that society almost always hand waives male victims of assault—particularly if the perpetrator was female—but to say that in any part of the world we treat female victims well is blatantly untrue.

Idk I think it makes it pretty clear that when Hughie was 11, dad had some extreme personal feelings wrapped up in it. I think the reasons he had were understandable, and they were definitely sympathetic, but I don’t think they were perfect.

Yeah I have other people arguing with me about it and I can’t even link it or post screenshots because this is literally a subreddit for a children’s show. It’s fking gross that this is posted here.

Yeah I have other people arguing with me about it and I can’t even link it or post screenshots because this is literally a subreddit for a children’s show. It’s fucking gross that this is posted here.

No, I looked up the artist on twitter. He draws nothing but inflation porn of furries/pokemon/bluey. One of “nudist Judy Hopps”. All just having eaten so much that they have huge bellies, that someone is stroking, or art with the implication someone is about to be or has been eaten while (vore).

But sure, I shouldn’t police what’s appropriate. The mods should probably make rules about what’s… oh, wait.

Oh, it’s you? You’re Jonathan Chimney? Who draws porn? The one with the nude drawing of Judy Hopps in the exact pose as the above on his twitter? And nsfw art on cheerleading flamingos? And you claim this is meant completely innocently, and is in no way an advertisement for the inflation/vore porn you do? Can you clarify what this comment exchange under this photo is in reference to?


There are great moments in MHA. The Deku/Bakugo fight comes to mind. It’s just sad that it’s so few and far between

The artist literally only posts furry inflation porn/fanart. It’s porn. It’s not innocuous. It doesn’t belong here.

Bro it IS fetish art. It’s by a furry artist on twitter who posts almost nothing but fursonas and Pokémon/Bluey characters who are tummy-out, talking about having just eaten too much, actively still eating, rubbing their tummies or having them rubbed. In one response to THIS picture there’s a reference to vore and the author hearted it. It’s very very thinly-veiled furry porn.

I am flabbergasted people are shitting on you for clocking it. It was my first thought, too.

Man, you’re so freaking heated over this debate about Bluey. Have you stopped to think about that? “Dishonorable tactics”, “you idiot”, “you’re making yourself look stupid”, all over a kid’s show. You’re in a sub that doesn’t even allow profanity, this worked up over needing to be right.

But sure—you DID say in-between. And something 25% larger than that animal in the picture is almost the exact size of a… well, a puppy. Which isn’t in between a puppy and a human child. It’s just a puppy.

Okay, sure. Bluey is 125% the height of this:


Which definitely aligns with the size of a human. Got it 👌

Amazing how you keep accusing me of stuff you’re actively doing lol

We’re comparing dogs and potoroos, actually.

I have no clue what these lines are even meant to indicate. But it doesn’t matter. The largest this potoroo could be is 16 inches. Infants are born 19-20 inches on average. There is no support for your argument at its base. Bluey is canonically, at best, the size of a newborn human. That is not in between human and dog sized. That’s just dog-sized.

No, it’s me counting the tops of their heads. Neither ears. “Dishonest tactics” might be better used to describe trying to accuse someone of doing something in order to make them look dishonest.

1/3 of Bluey’s height by figures I listed would be 5 inches. 8 inches is 1/3 of 24 inches, which is the length of an adult heeler. More “dishonest tactics”? 🙄

Edit: proof of “honorable tactics”. While I was making this it jumped out to me that Bluey is absolutely not on her butt, either. She’s crouching, not sitting.


With her bum on the ground, she is shorter than the potoroo. Bluey’s I’m not looking at it wrong just because you disagree—that’s a plain, measurable fact. She is absolutely not 8 inches taller than that potoroo (or 1/2 its own height) while standing. And again, this is generously assuming that this is the largest species of potoroo possible.

I disagree that she isn’t actually that short. She is crouched, but the potoroo’s head comes higher than hers here, so if she stands up straight then she’d still be around the same height, so between 16-18 in if this is the largest species of potoroo possible. Adult heelers IRL are 28-33 inches (71-84 cm), which is just under double the assumed height of the potoroo.

Bluey’s head comes up to Bandit’s chest, around the top of his belly spot, which would be just over half his height. All of this adds up to a dog-sized world, honestly.

Sure! We use YouTube music. Currently the favorite is the firefighter episode, but they’re all great.

probably without even realizing it.

This is what I was referring to when I said “intentional”. Like the way that plays out there is no way it wasn’t a conscious thing.

Human children aren’t the same size as potoroos. I’m not sure what your phrasing changes about that.

Also my daughter is in 4T and larger than most dogs.

Except she is canonically around the same size as a potoroo, which at one biggest is like 40cm//16in.

The only real rationalization for the potoroo in The Creek is that they’re dog-sized.

Yeah we all now put on sunscream and drink cans of bubuhlee wawter 👍