Aries sun, Virgo moon and Scorpio rising. I love spending quality time with the one I love as well as giving small gifts and surprises even if it means going to visit when they least expect it, compliments and spontaneous gifts. I also value being of service and helping and being there to those I truly respect, love and care about.

I’m an Aries and Virgo moon, always surrounded by air and water signs, Gemini and Aquarius my best friends but always water and fire for partners, mostly Pisces.

Omg, me too. Lots of air but all my past romantic relationships have been Pisces and lots of Pisces family too. Pisces are crazy but also have been the most romantic. But for an emotional sign every one of my past partners have cheated but maybe I just attract that as a life lesson.

I do but I tend to pick out the odd flavors no one really likes, including banana.

This almost made me cry.

I don’t even have to comment, but definitely a boy!


A blurry one we got during totality, sorry power line is in the picture.

Thanks I appreciate it. I’ll work on that.

I’m not sure if it’s just a white cheddar thing or not since I’ve experienced getting burnt batches of both white cheddar and regular. Ive also strangely experienced this with batches of saltines too. Sometimes batches are not salted and very burnt and dry while others of the same brand bought weeks after are what they should taste like. I’ve been leaning towards maybe it’s a location/factory thing as I’ve noticed Cheez-itz being produced from different locations/factories can vary significantly.

Looks decent to me, I’d eat everything on that plate.