Yeah I agree, I think the first paper was better. Paper 2 had some interesting questions

For me it was applied ethics that I left too late for revision. I thought i'd just be able to figure it out but I don't think I did as well as I could have on the Kant SK question

I believe there are a maximum of 5 marks for AO1/recall on each 25 mk question so there is a good chance you will have picked up a few of those even in the first bit that you did write.

I know what you mean about the beginning of exams... my handwriting today was horrendous for the first few questions because my hand was really shaky

First 3 marker: necessary conditions are requirements for something, whereas sufficient conditions guarantee something. E.g., justified true belief are individually necessary and jointly sufficient for knowledge.

Mackie's argument from relativity was that moral disagreement is better explained from arising from each society's different circumstances and ways of living, as opposed to the suggestion that some society's are better at interpreting the 'one moral reality' than others. Directly contradicts the moral realist claim that there are moral truths.

We've got through paper 1! We're halfway there! I'm hoping many marks come our way in paper 2 :)

Yeah, I like the definition of knowledge topic especially because there are so many different ways of going about it. There are loads of different examples to use and ways of considering them. I can definitely see how you could argue that reliabilism fails to counter Gettier cases though. That point about no false lemmas as a reliable process is not something I've considered before so that's really interesting too.

Best of luck for paper 2! Hoping many marks come our way haha

Yeah of course.

I took the view of the theory that what makes a belief forming process reliable is not independent of context. Testimony is usually reliable, but when the executive in Gettier case 1 told Smith that Jones would get the job this was not reliable because it the hiring process had not concluded.

In the case of Mr Truetemp it does not matter whether he can explain why he knows his belief, because justification is not a condition anymore. The temperature sensor is accurate so it is a reliable belief forming process.

So tbh I felt I could put together a compelling argument that reliabilism does resolve Gettier-type cases.

Reliabilism also accounts for the knowledge that animals have of their environment without making a distinction between their type of knowledge and humans' knowledge like virtue epistemology does.

me too! what did you conclude for propositional knowledge? i went for reliabilism

felt like it went well all round. I argued for reliabilism in the first essay. for util I didn't talk about act/rule either I just went for hedonistic and preference. I felt like I hardly wrote anything for the first 12 marker but I couldn't think of anything else to say

I dont think indirect realism has been the 25 mk question before

Edinburgh edit: I should say I got a contextual offer for Bristol so that's why it's my insurance

When you get the subs make sure you visit the livestreaming page in YT studio and activate it at least 24 hours before. YT enforce an arbitrary 24 hour delay between enabling livestreaming and being able to start a stream. It's caught other people out before

Usually people complain about jury voting so this is a change.

Correct me if I'm wrong but there are more votes given to the people because of the additional rest of world region.

Am I right in thinking though that the second placed televote from a country still gets 10 points though? Even if Israel gets most televotes by a massive margin is it not the same 2 point gap anyway?

New cards added after exam date setQuestion

Does the exam scheduling algorithm account for new cards added after the exam date is set?

I am wondering whether to set my exam date now and add more cards over the coming week or to add those cards before setting up the exam date.

The M2 air was released less than two years ago