
You’re talking to yourself. 5 paragraphs talking to casper in less than 30 minutes is sick lmao. You’re weird as fuck for calling me a slave as well. Learn to love yourself, its very obvious with the way you treat others that you’re an insecure mutt.

Edit: Over 5 paragraphs because you deleted the one of you repeatedly calling me a slave. You’re fucking gross.

Absolutely not leave your hair alone. Your natural hair is very beautiful. Think of Anok Yai. Our generations true supermodel and even she said they can’t put her in anything unless its her natural hair, cornrows or a fro🤷🏾‍♀️

He is literally so freaking cute I would love to eat him. Hes like a cute little chocolate muffin. Muffin is a cute name!!


You’re going to bring your children to an adult store?!?!?!!!!!! /s

I don’t serve any master. I don’t appreciate those types of jokes. Whats mind boggling is y’all thinking that because you stop dating/separate yourselves from black men that it takes away from your blackness AS A BLACK WOMEN. You are still BLACK. Which means you are still affected by all things systemically racist and antiblack. Coddling the fucking police as if we aren’t killed, raped and harassed by them as well. Serial killers get away with the continuous murder of Black women BECAUSE THE POLICE AND THE SYSTEM DO NOT CARE ABOUT US STATISTICALLY. BLACK WOMEN GO MISSING EVERYDAY AT ALARMING RATES AND WHOS NOT LOOKING FOR THEM? Because its not just fucking black men. There is a WHOLE SYSTEM CREATED FOR OUR DOWNFALL. You should tweak your ideologies because I’m proud to be a black women. This is exactly why people think divestors are antiblack and just hate themselves. Its so obvious. If your views align with a racist ww then I’d rethink them. You can divest yourself and still recognize that being black and being a women is still very much looked down on. Especially when you put the two together.

You’re awfully annoying, and immature like I’ve told you before lol. Quit responding to my comments weird ass.

Yeup! When you said “jEsUs lOvEs yOu” I said cue the theatrics because I called you out on your bs. You weren’t acting very christlike before I brought that up. 😘🤣 lets not play stupid. You keep calling me out on my divestment when you literally practice the slaveholders religion. Don’t throw stones when you live in a glass house girl.

You can hate my opinion all you want, as I see because you keep engaging with MY comments, but don’t get mad when I talk about you. And snitching to the moderators because you don’t like my opinion is not the same as just simply engaging with it.

As much as you can handle. I’m currently sitting at 0g and when I started my stretching journey I just was popping in 16g rings. Had like 10 at one point then just switched to glass plugs. When I wanted to get to 0g I started with putting 2 6g 5/16 rings in.

Not at all. After all, drag is an expression and art form. You can do whatever the fuck you want. I haven’t officially started drag, but basically all of my concepts have different personas/looks.

Why? I’m divested, we just disagree on things. Pushing for the mods to kick me out is not what this community is about and just pushes a hive mind. I’m entitled to my opinion the same way you’re entitled to yours.

You are literally insane if you think the police care about black women.

I’m sorry! After rereading again I got that. I’m so sorry and really hope you find a way to push through this

You are 19. You need to stand up for yourself NOW. Or you will be restricted your whole life. It might suck. But this also sucks so, pick your battles.

You’re an ass for cheating on a very hormonal pregnant women. But her pulling a gun on you is too far. Break up and leave. And take the fucking gun away.


A Mole thats hasn’t entertained a BM since they were a little girl and is currently MARRIED to a non blk (and non white😉) man? Oh okay. Lmao. I’m a mole but I have already done the goal of most BW here? Oh. Okay. I lack common sense but I know that law enforcement and other government agencies literally do not give two shits about black women causing BM and men in general run free because they don’t care? Oh. OKAY. Lol. I don’t seek community from bird brain individuals like yourself that worship WM and think Christianity is good for anyone. Lmao. You may think I’m not divested when in reality I can assure that its you. A lot of y’all just belong on the r/conservative subreddit. 🤗 funny how y’all call candice owens a mammy then come on here and repeat her views. Toodles! 🤍

Don’t respond to my comment trynna check somebody then run from it. You’re more than welcome to stop engaging with my opinion. 🤗

Who said that? And Social Justice Warrior Mammy? Yeahhh its giving exactly what I thought. If you was a white bitch you know you’d fit right in with their racist asses? LMAO. I’m delusional because I believe a county built off the backs of my ancestors should fall and be returned to its rightful owners? You think Jail is the only punishment? LOLOLOL! Your mind is so closed that you’re bordering a white supremacist. Goofy ass. Its giving hard wig soft life.

I’m not divested because I’m pro black women and LOVE my black culture and will not shame women for not being black as fuck? Most of y’all think you’re better than everyone because you date white men. I could tell you how harmful dating white men is just as it is dating black men but you wouldn’t wanna hear it LOL. Sorry I’m not a conservative loser and believe that yes you can be divested and still love your black self and parts of black culture. I’m divested and really sick of you loser ass, self hating black women coming for me because I don’t date black men EVER and the same goes for WHITE MEN. Lol!

Absolutely, the prison system that we have currently is literally based off of catching slaves, its abusive and a place that pushes for black and brown people to be on their way in from a very young age.

The amount of women that are murdered and raped in prison, denied healthcare, wrongfully incarcerated etc etc etc.. the list goes on. The system as we see now is not good for our people. Now don’t get it confused with not wanting bad people (for example the BM and other men that murder BW at alarming rates because I know thats what you were asking in hopes of a damn gotcha moment) to be punished accordingly. Which is ironic you bring that up because the system as we know it DOES NOT CARE ABOUT BLACK WOMEN. We have very high mortality rates in many different areas and yet the justice system doesn’t do anything for us. We go missing and no one cares. We get murdered and no one cares. Black femicide happens and no one cares. I am a radical and abolitionist BECAUSE I love and care about black women and want us to be safe.

You’re literally so freakin’ gorgeous

ab·o·li·tion·ist noun a person who favors the abolition of a practice or institution, especially capital punishment or (formerly) slavery.

What does me being divested have to do with me wanting our government to fall? Quickly.

Edit: and YES! The violence against black women literally ties into my abolition and radical views. Ya’ll are seriously confusing so many topics that have nothing to do with each other.

Like… omg…. I started looking deeper into this subreddit and it can definitely be a shit show🫢

I’m a black women and very proud of that but this place is giving heavy conservative and self hate vibes 💔 I genuinely had no idea