It's been a minute since I lived there, so idk if it still exists, but have you looked into the PC bars? Maybe one is open on the weekends you can visit to work?

supposedly there's another at Simon Kandelaki 35, Tbilisi, Georgia 0107 but their website seems messed up at the moment

I genuinely think most people, most americans even, wouldn't even be able to recognize Kamala Harris on the street, which is fucking bizarre for one of the most important people in your government

Oh wow, he really changed that around quick in the second round, very impressive from Sunday

Idk if I'm convinced that was 2-1 for mungcorn but alrighty

At white dude's house though, since he won't be walking around anytime soon

I mean, the dude was pretty much out the moment his ass hit the floor. It's ref's job there to call the fight or at least get in between to asses the damage to floor boy

Had to be either belgium or the sea that the Netherlands consider belongs to us, both work here for sure

Lose the liability, its not worth getting shot for some girl

Palia was dying pretty steadily, all the devs getting fired, etc. so I can't imagine they paid more than a few million for the whole thing

barely any content

3 rocks, 3 trees (reskinned, basically)

2 maps, a few animals (again, reskinned) and bugs

2487247752199 different chairs, tables, lamps, rugs, about half of which were on sale from the cash shop

If only they could have balanced their dev time a little more and the game could've been quite good

Don't be like that, they uhh... sent some satellites into orbit? And send a rocket almost into actual space?

??? What do you mean, you couldn't possibly expect her not to go on several trips and do all the fun things while in debt? That's husbands responsibility to pay it off with the job he hates

I'm curious, what standards are Ukraine not meeting that a country like Canada, does?

The one about not actively being at war with another country on their soil?

I'd want to say its fine? Hard to imagine a situation where that happens though I guess

Also he's very specific in what he says. Kill, not casualty. With Ukraine valuing life more and actually bothering to help their soldiers survive, a 6-1 kill ratio isn't impossible, even if casualties are much closer.

her own lawyer

*Her own, independent (from a different firm) lawyer. Else that shit still gets kicked if the judge doesn't like you

one 160m-banana-sized asteroid, are you even paying attention to class?

They are working on it, yup. But its still far from perfect of course. Just a more realistic real rate now vs having to go unofficial to get money so much less volatile.

I mean, yes? Most stats have women swiping right under 3% of the time, meaning a significant amount swipes even less than 3% of the time. But there are the local variants of a private jet or yacht, which would be like a normal/nice boat, lake house, or just flying people out commercially with the same intent.

Can't even pretend he was asleep and a friend let her in, because no escort would stick around a sleeping dude without money upfront

Honestly I still think Biden would win at a pushup contest

Thats unfair, biden's handlers would be using their puppet strings to make his body do pushups... (/s, because reddit is madness today)

It's a bit tinfoil hat, but honestly, I'd take it at this point. I've seen some people suggest this was them forcing Biden out by basically setting him up to fail so they can replace him with someone (literally anyone) else.

Time to move to nordic Europe, its quite possible to do just that in Norway and Sweden I believe (though you may need to become a resident first?)

I dislike trump as much as the next dude for becoming the US president again, but it's not like putin has tried at all to hide these plans for the last several decades? There are plenty of politicians and diplomats on record talking about these same plans of putin, its very strange they are trying to make this some kind of gotcha thing.