Thank you for replying. I have to disagree, though.

Right? I get childlike excitement, I find it endearing, but this is saccharine. Blergh!

You aren't the asshole. Even if the man isn't married he doesn't have a right to your friendship. Some people need to learn that 'I want' doesn't mean 'I'm entitled to'.

Woman 50 to 60

That sucks. I'm sorry. It isn't healthy. I really hope you can find the support you need to leave this marriage.

Woman 50 to 60

He sees women as sex objects, and in his mind that means that ALL MEN see women as sex objects.

Frankly, this makes me feel sick to my stomach. I am sorry you're in this situation.

What do you find endearing about it?

Can you tell me more about this? I mean what do you do exactly? If this is too intrusive a question I apologise and please feel free to ignore it.

It's not that they can't fit. They do this so that they don't get dinged by the cars parked next to them.

But an envelope is NOT a postcard, is it? Yes the front of a postcard is the picture and the back is where you write and put a stamp. For me the back of an envelope is where the flap is and the front is the other side.

If that is the extent of your knowledge of Arabic, I think it would be a good idea to leave this question for those with some more ability to answer it.

I don't have any advice I'm afraid but I wanted you to know that you aren't alone. I'm just trying to hang on.

I hear you and I can relate. I became a people pleaser and run away from conflict. Until I can't bear it any more and explode. I'm working on becoming more assertive but the anxiety literally closes my throat and I only manage about one out of ten and that only when the stakes are practically non-existent.

'Try not to make the same mistake twice'. Do you really, seriously think I'm not trying? I have been so distressed by my seeming impossibility to not make the same f***ing mistake 'twice' that I have literally considered jumping under a train. Please eff off.

It is. Having said that I've spent a whole winter in Germany and found that I deal much better with the cold and the grey skies than I do with the summer heat here in Malta. My ideal living situation would be to spend the summer months in northern Europe and come back to Malta from October to May.

I see. Do you mean it will be less of a shock to the system?

I'm also getting older (and more cranky!) :)

I've lived here all my life and I'm still waiting to get acclimated. I find each summer harder to bear than the one before.

I don't know what kind of research they did. I can't say because I have no experience of Ireland at all.

Thing is I can feel sensitive when I feel rejection/criticism/what I perceive to be negativity even if it's directed at others. I feel for them even if they don't seem to and want to jump in and stick up for them!

I've never lived in Ireland but I recently met a couple who were moving from Malta to Ireland because they couldn't afford to live here. So you may want to check your sources with regards to cost of living.