You’re acting as if you guys were having an argument at the gas pump and she sprayed you to shut you up, or as if you guys were just chilling at the gas pump talking and she randomly decided to spray you for fun. She literally thought she was being attacked by a stranger and defended herself.

Are you telling me that if she came home and said she was getting gas and this dude tried to rob her but she was able to defend herself by spraying gas on him and get away, that your first thought would be “ that’s an extreme reaction to getting robbed” and not “ I’m so glad she was able to defend herself and is safe”?

You’ve spent a lot of time and energy trying to find a way in which your husbands request doesn’t sound so insane but the truth is there’s no other way to take the request. It’s insane and raciest and in no way a reasonable request

Oh I agree. For the vast majority of our relationship, my boyfriend worked in restaurants, which consisted of an ever changing weekly schedule and constantly having to estimate when he’ll actually be getting out of work. Also if we were planning on hanging out after he would get out of work , we would often have to agree on a cut off time where if he was not out yet we would just cancel cause it was too late.

Last year he got a government job and it’s been so much better. Consistent hours with occasional overtime, scheduled vacation time and most importantly they set their schedule for the entire year so he has the same days off the whole year it’s so great to have when you’re trying to plan stuff. Like if there’s a concert coming it’s so easy now to look at the date and determine whether or not we can go or if he needs to look for someone to cover.

Oh man, I finally caught up to the season finale last night and that scene was 🥵. Lord

That one made me laugh cause I’ve been short all my life and I had a similar incident in elementary school where I slipped and was holding on to some bars and the teacher was like- just let go it’s not far- and I was too scared 😂

lol I’m actually glad Jacob have a brief explanation because that joke went over my head. That’s probably why they wrote it in lol

The absolute audacity of her to show up accusing you of sleeping with her fiancé, passing it off as your husbands, saying her worries were justified because “women from your country do that” and then be 1. Surprised and 2. Upset when you decide you no longer want to let her use your house for free for her wedding.

And then to have the extra audacity to blame you for the wedding getting canceled

The fact he puts going to therapy as a negative trait is just saying the quiet part out loud

Did shipping not update correctly or did seller forget to send. Advice Needed

I ordered something off of Etsy that I needed for the beginning of next week. Although I was cutting it a little close, between the estimated time of arrival and the fact I upgraded my shipping I felt I would be fine.

They created the label Monday of last week, and as of Thursday it was still showing pre shipment. I finally requested a refund because it hadnt shipped and wouldn’t be here in time. They responded that it had appeared to have been sent and the tracking may not have updated and a few hours later sent a new tracking number. Both the number sent and etsys tracking both showed in transit at this point.

Here’s my question :

At first glance it looks like the seller didn’t ship out the shirt until I tried getting a refund. It had 0 movement from the labor being created 4 days prior until started contacting them.

However, I wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt that there was an issue with the tracking updating and they fixed it on their end. Is that a thing that can be done? Or was the seller trying to cover their butt.

Op, everything about this situation is immensely messed up.

You’re 15 dating someone old enough to be in college. That’s disgusting on her part.

It’s understandable that she was upset at what you said. A normal response would have been for her to cry, maybe raise her voice a bit. A proper response would have been for her to tell you that you upset her.

But the fact her reaction was to not only threaten to crash the car but actually take steps to make you believe she would. Enough so that you actually started crying because you got scared. That’s abusive. It doesn’t matter if it was a “one off” sometimes one time things are bad enough to warrant a breakup, especially if you were literally fearing for your safety.

Is this at the rose garden?

This isn’t even a forgetfulness issue. If he really was super forgetful, but was genuine in his apology for forgetting, he would do what he needed to do to make sure he didn’t forget. The fact that this has occurred multiple years and you express your sadness with him. And his response is to be annoyed instead of genuinely apologetic shows that the issue is that he just doesn’t care

I can almost guarantee this dude will cheat on you when you’re away at boot camp and blame you because you “ weren’t there to fulfill your wifely duties “

lol I live in a border town with a predominantly Hispanic population and so many places here sell little keychain bottles of chamoy. I love it lol

Fun places for a 30th birthday Ask El Paso

Hello everyone!

I’ll be celebrating my 30th birthday next week and am trying to figure out what to do for my party.

In the past, I’ve done a party at Relaxe ( which, btw, highly recommend ) which I loved cause it was a really chill place where we could bring our own food and beer and people had the option to either play or chill. As much as I loved it, I’m not feeling it this year.

Please give me recommendations!

I went to a wedding where one of the groomsmen incorporated never gonna give you up lyrics into the speech. It was great lol

It is obvious, people are just stupid. Obviously if you’re requiring a venue be wheelchair accessible it’s because there’s a need for it. You’re not just avid ADA inspectors

A microwave lol

I own a small business and I just wanted a basic microwave at the store so I could have warm food for lunch. I didn’t know what to expect but I had kind of assumed a basic microwave would go for around $30-40

Imagine my surprise when almost everywhere I looked the cheapest microwave started at like $60 and just went up from there

Wait so he asked his mom a question where she told him he’s wrong and he’s blaming you for embarrassing him? That doesn’t even make any sense

I mean, even if you take out the fact that it’s your sister, just her saying she loves someone else should be enough to be done with her. It sounds like her only “defense” is that she still loves you more. Can you really stay in a relationship where you know she’s interested in someone else?

ETA: that’s not to minimize the creep factor that is your adult fiancé telling you she has feelings for your barely legal sister who she’s known for 9 years and her way to try to mitigate the obvious creep factor is by saying your sister is the only person that she she feels that way about. She knows it’s creepy too.

The Idol lol

I don’t remember why my boyfriend suggested we watch it, besides the fact The Weeknd is in it obviously. After the first episode we were just like- what the heck? I even asked him if he wanted to watch more and we decided to out of morbid curiosity.

Luckily for us it was only about 6 episodes and wasn’t renewed so we didn’t have to endure it long.

I’m dying to know how your mom took that when she found out