Yea it’s supposed to be like a “power hook”, my lads are supposed to be Ork pirates! I appreciate it! And you’re welcome!

Basing your models could be the next step I think


Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it’s happened twice

It’s looks so fleshy good lord I love it

Those Kommandos are awesome! I saw a few on eBay and I wished I grabbed them, I prefer them way more over the new ones, especially the Ork Nob with the cigar

I’m glad we’re seeing more love for Ork bosses besides ghaz

Bro if flash gitz could be led by a Mek or something, I feel as though they’d be so much better. I’m still running 30 of them but you know, they’d be way cooler if they could be led by a Mek

Amazing work! What did you use for the base of the piece?

Hey fair enough! This is from the books that I’ve been quoting from. Logistically it’s probably a massive difficulty, in the fluff the Solar Auxilia are supposed to get essentially get the best equipment, vehicles, armor, etc the imperial army has to offer considering the environments and tasks they are given, they’re campaigns etc. They way I’ve always interpreted the fluff is that, despite the size comparison, in a galaxy spanning imperium of millions upon millions of men, I’d still think something in percentage would still be considered elite even if watered down or not as complaint as given in the red books. But hey, maybe I’m just talking outta my ass. My point being that I think the solar auxilia are more then just “imperial guard but space suits” ( :

My point, I’d say until maybe the Horus Heresy, every voidsman would’ve likely been the most well disciplined, well trained man or women of the Imperium, the Veletaris even more so. To me that shows me an ELITE fighting branch of the imperial army. They can go into locations that an imperial army unit would fail to go and hopefully fuck shit up, or die. You know 50/50


I disagree but whatever you say! 👍🏽 to me from all the lore I’ve done digging of the Solar auxilia, that are far more elite then any traditional guard unit, if you ask me, if they can keep up with Astartes, then that makes them elite! Of course by the time of the heresy their quality begins to drop as supplies run low!

That’s exactly what they are though…keep in mind that the imperial army by the great crusade is fucking MASSIVE, 25% of the imperial army isn’t that..large?

“Solar Auxilia were amongst the most elite, disciplined and well-equipped fighting forces, widely considered by many second only to the superhuman Legiones Astartes in their military effectiveness in battle.”

“By the second century of the Great Crusade, the Solar Auxilia made up between 20-25% of the Imperial Army.[2b] Some 2/3rds of this force oversaw garrisoning duties while the rest accompanied Crusade Expeditionary Fleets.[12].”