I had someone help me out with these tickets through a Facebook post. Guy came through. Waited in line for forever. Between the time I got the tickets from him and the show was a few months or more. We didn’t say a word to each other at the show though.

This is why I think they aren’t releasing the line up. If Eminem was announced (I assume he’ll be there.) it would be a shit show before and during the event.

Sorry about your mother’s opinions of medical care. That’s not great. At all.

Two ways to look at this:

One- it’s a total pain. And it is. It’ll be uncomfortable, more work, and not fun at first.

Second- this is a great opportunity to actually work on public speaking! Read through this forum and you can see where public speaking will creep into or sometimes be a major part of your adult life. Learning that skill at a young age is a huge advantage! I know high school me would have had the same feelings as you. But adult me wishes I would have had more public speaking in high school to actually learn that skill. Try to give it your best shot. It may suck and it probably will suck at first, but you never know, you could be great at it.

As I’ve grown older I have realized everything that made me uncomfortable at first and I worked through it (while not always easy and not always with enthusiasm) has turned out to be ok to great for me.

You get to pick the one that fits your narrative. How fun!

I suspect everything you wrote after “what’s worse is my…” is partly contributing to your anxiety. That’s a lot of pressure you have put on yourself plus ADHD. Talk to your doctor about therapy and/ or meds for those things and I bet your anxiety about speaking decreases.

Also, in the short term, either start figuring out a med combo (talk to your doctor) that works to get through the next week. You can take the meds and practice. Or approach your boss and be honest about what’s going on. If they make some exceptions, great! If not, see the previous sentence.

Soul Skate at The Rink is CRAZY.

Having money does not make one smart about health choices.

PSA- if you are in a true emergency please don’t be driving around trying to get to “the best”. Get to what’s closest and then deal with a transfer if needed. Also, don’t be driving around in a true emergency. Call 911 for an ambulance so you don’t crash and kill other people during YOUR medical emergency.


Tough day to navigate. 4/10 for my tastes. But you do you, it’ll be great either way.

Get out of here with your fancy stuff…lol. This turtle top was for the folks just getting by, taking their once a year trip up north for a few days.

This is when I have seen it. A construction project has wrapped up, but apparently not wrapped up enough for google maps to be done with it.

Google flights may help.

The concrete jungle does not do any favors if it’s over 80F. But yes, cool at night.

Same. I’m either 72 or 3. I guess it has to do jet ways and plane size for parking.

No way back has been a long standing party held at different venues throughout its life span. It’s been held in some questionable, but unique, venues.

And here come the downvotes for my reasonable explanation. Gotta love Reddit.