Parisa Wang and Staud are my current obsessions

1374 days

Virgin Moscow mules! A Moscow mule cup with a lot of ice, ginger beer, and lots of lime juice

The Times Person of the Year article truly sent me over the edge. She came off so unlikable and cringe. I'm still shocked at how much self-awareness she's lacking

Product is better suited for SMB than Enterprise IMO. (I don't work there, but I'm in the space.) They don't have the best rep, but slash prices for companies who don't care

Glad she's getting help but 'While I have personally never once had a drink to numb my feelings' is so typically condescending of her (and I'd argue untrue after following her on insta for a few years)

if anyone finds this blog could they please share it with me! so curious

is she gaining half a dozen fans though? maybe a year ago at the peak of eras, but TTPD doesn’t have the same public appeal as any of her other albums. it’s really going to be a blip in culture imo, i don’t see it having the lasting impacts her other albums did. she was getting so many younger fans through fun bops like anti-hero and bejeweled and cruel summer and TTPD really doesn’t have any fun songs like that. all of those moms aren’t bumping Peter to their toddlers, right? (i hope)

Idk I feel like she really doesn't care about the re-records anymore. Once she's tapped out the money pit that is TTPD, she'll refocus on Rep. I just can't give her enough credit to playing such a long game, I don't think she's that brilliant, just capitalistic.

yeah it's why Brian Moylan's Vulture Recaps frustrate me so much, he's obsessed with Kyle and it makes the recap much less entertaining. I get that it's a bit, but I don't want to hear about kyle's ass anymore while he's running around calling his wife a bitch on national tv

first read and not even through day one, holy shit this person is insufferable

I was not impressed with that version of Popular, I hope it's just off-sounding in the trailer. Need to listen again, but sounded off

I was prepared for Sara.haven sharing a story with a rando guy in it with zero context but I was not prepared for that Fortnight lip syncing

1374 days

this feeling is why i quit. someone told me this early on that’s stuck with me, “you don’t ever have to feel like this again.” and i haven’t. it’s been 1000% worth it.

1374 days

Fantastic advice. And love that about you and your son, you must’ve been an inspiration for him. Congratulations to you!

she definitely has bloat sometimes and weight fluctuations. not trying to be rude, just very clear she does look hungover/puffy sometimes

Thank you so much! Is that a toner? Would it be ash or just look for level 9? and do I put it on just the front or the whole head?

Hey Cat! Thanks for your response. My stylist was out of town for a month, hence the other stylist. It was certainly nothing personal towards her or any other hairstylists, and I know I made a mistake. I’m just looking for a way to get it somewhat fixable.

1374 days

I quit at 28 and it remains the best decision I’ve ever made. So badly I quit a few years earlier, but what’s done is done. There’s many of us! Feels like I got a life re-do.

and also it happened six years ago and she's wasted and you just got there, yes this is it lol

1374 days

This is so vivid, so beautiful, and you have an incredible knack for writing. Huge congratulations on your year of sobriety, I'll raise a Shirley Temple to you tonight!