They've already out-Vietnamed us pretty hard. It's nice to have given up the quagmire crown. Thanks, Pootie

If they don't want to give you time to think about your options then it's obvious the options are all better for them than they are for you.

I knew someone who would throw $1 in the piss trough every time he went to the bar and see how long it took someone to fish it out. Someone always did. He put a lot of piss into circulation.

If you have 2 minutes you can probably open this by repeatedly throwing it on the floor

That would be one not terribly egregious paragraph on a computer monitor. I'd have broken it into two, but it wasn't that bad.

There shouldn't be anything protruding enough to get hit hard enough to do this. Whatever it was, it's a manufacturing defect of some sort and Walther should make it right. This isn't even normal on a shitty gun like a SCCY, let alone a Walther.

They promised a Harrier and couldn't even pony up a shittier jet like this one. Also Pepsi is gross.

The emitters in red dot sights are not lasers.

If only there was some way to indicate that you were turning left

They did a fine job putting it up, the people who made the cabinets did a shoddy job of building them. The back of the cabinets is still attached to the wall

Seriously, if you don't think it's yours, you mow it anyway and claim that it is yours, and after a few years, boom, you own it. Adverse possession, baby!

Lemmy. It's basically just reddit but decentralized so a bunch of rich fucks can't just buy it and ruin it.

speaking of undeveloped frontal lobes, stop using "withdrawal" as a verb, WTF

Something tells me this was done with whatever random scraps were laying around because they weren't willing to buy new plywood

There are so many memes about you, you have no idea. You love the idea of having your gun unloaded until you're sure they can hear it, and then cinematically pumping it and they go running?

Another loser with a double cab and child-sized bed on his can't pick up anything truck

Do you know what thermobaric explosives are, and how they work? This is not a conventional HE, it doesn't contain its own oxidizer so it can have waaaay more fuel. It explodes and disperses the fuel over a large area, then ignites it so the fuel reacts with the air around it. They make a very big boom in a small package if there's plenty of air to work with. Throw into big room, blow up whole room. This barn thing full of soft squishy humans was the perfect environment for a thermobaric explosive to work its magic.

Yes, No One Lives Forever. They're so goofy and fun. AVP 1 and 2 are also really good.

As a Shadow 2 owner, I would say 2011. The Shadow is cool, but the trigger is nowhere near where it should be for the money. If I wasn't restricted to my existing magazine collection by a ban, I would sell the Shadow and get a 2011.