How does this meme just get more relevant each year?

In a democratic society, the right to peaceful protest is a cornerstone of our freedoms, allowing individuals to express their views and advocate for change. The question of where the right to protest ends and the right to carry on unaffected begins is a matter of balance and mutual respect.

This right is enshrined in the constitution and international human rights law, recognizing the importance of public discourse in shaping societal norms and policies. Peaceful protest serves as a powerful tool for raising awareness and prompting action on issues that may otherwise be overlooked or ignored.

While individuals have the right to go about their daily lives without undue interference, this right is not absolute. In a community, we often accept minor inconveniences for the greater good, such as road closures for marathons or parades.

The effectiveness of a protest often lies in its ability to draw attention to a cause. Disruption, in this context, does not mean causing harm or significant hardship but rather creating a momentary pause in the routine flow of life to highlight an issue. It's a call for society to stop and reflect on a matter of importance.

Protesters have a responsibility to ensure their actions remain peaceful and do not infringe upon the rights of others. Similarly, those who are unaffected should respect the protesters' right to voice their concerns. It's a two-way street where both parties acknowledge each other's rights.

So, the right to protest and the right to carry on unaffected can exist in equilibrium. The goal is not to eliminate disruption but to manage it in a way that respects all parties' rights and fosters a dialogue that can lead to positive change. Peaceful protest, when conducted responsibly, is a necessary function of a healthy democracy.

Let's say, for the sake of argument, that the protesters are Ill informed and that they are just band-wagoning. They still have the right to peaceful protest. That's the issue for me. I don't have to like what they're saying but it's imperative that they have the space to say it

Came here to recommend Origins

a Dead Sea amount of salt

That one got me

It appears that this post hasn't been well-received. I value everyone's right to their own views, and I'm interested in understanding the rationale for the downvotes. Are they indicative of a stance on Israel, or is it a matter of free speech? This topic is multifaceted, and I'm eager to hear your perspective

TLDR: Washoe County commissioners voted to criminalize living in cars or camping on county-owned property and within 1,000 feet of the Truckee River. The ordinance passed 3-2 despite concerns from commissioners and public opposition. Law enforcement said the goal was not to over-incarcerate, with a preference for issuing verbal or written warnings before arresting.

TLDR: OP joined a band in college and began receiving unsettling phone calls, which continued despite moving. Years after leaving the band due to a band member's obsessive behavior, OP eloped and changed her name for safety. Decades later, she received a mysterious package possibly from the stalker, reigniting her fear.

TLDR: In a gripping session of Pokémon D&D, OP's team faced chaos as Sunny, a rogue player, veered off course, nearly sabotaging their mission against an apocalyptic threat. Sunny's reckless espionage attempt against a sinister organization led to an intense confrontation and an abrupt end to the game, sparking a heated debate on player conduct.

TLDR: OP acknowledges creating a disruptive DND character and feels unfairly singled out for behaviors others also exhibit. Despite efforts to manage ADHD and possible autism, OP experiences frustration with perceived double standards and feels like an inconvenience, worrying about being ostracized from a beloved campaign.

TLDR: OP's gaming group named a minor NPC Ross Bowman the Crossbowman, who became a beloved but ineffective member of their party. Despite never landing a hit in combat, Ross finally struck the main villain in a crucial battle, only to be immediately defeated himself, which fueled the party's victory and cemented Ross's legacy.

TLDR: OP is concerned about a friend who frequently cancels gaming sessions last minute and doesn't engage well during play, often forgetting character abilities and causing disruptions. This has led to the group creating backup campaigns and feeling uncomfortable about playing without the friend. OP is seeking advice on whether they are overreacting or if this is a genuine issue.

TLDR: OP experienced a profound sense of peace and spiritual renewal after exploring Latter Day Saints' beliefs, contrasting with their previous skepticism and legalistic Protestant practices. Despite this transformation and the joy it brought, OP faces conflict with their agnostic, anti-Mormon husband and is uncertain about converting, given their progressive views and appreciation for the LDS church's teachings without fully embracing them.

TLDR: OP transformed himself after a divorce by getting fit, shaving his head, and getting tattoos, which made him look much younger. He also started dating a younger woman, which led to criticism from his ex-wife and gossip among friends and family, but OP doesn't see anything wrong with his self-improvement and new lifestyle.

TLDR: OP is puzzled by the genetics of Rosharans, a fictional race where humans can interbreed with the native singers to produce viable offspring, resulting in new human subgroups. They find the non-Mendelian inheritance patterns of traits like hair and eye color bizarre, especially when compared to other traits that follow Mendelian genetics. OP expresses frustration over these seemingly inconsistent genetic rules.

TLDR: OP expressed her refusal to accept her father's new wife and her child, born from an affair, into her life. She discovered her father's infidelity during her mother's cancer battle and rejects the stepmother's attempts to replace her late mother, including taking over a memorial trip planned with her aunt.

TLDR: OP feels anxious about their future due to a patriarchal blessing focused on their career. They're struggling with decision-making and are seeking advice to ease their anxiety and its impact on their faith

Thank you for your question. As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, my faith is deeply rooted in personal revelation and scripture. In Moroni 10, it invites us to pray to know the truth of the Book of Mormon. I have done so and felt confirmation in my heart of its truth, of Joseph Smith's role as a prophet, and of Jesus Christ's divine mission as the Savior. Similarly, I have come to know that Russell M. Nelson is the Lord's prophet on the earth today through prayer and the whisperings of the Spirit.