I came to say his son Robert. He would definitely understand the two-way street of aliens encountering us, and us them

The old AllState guy popped into my head. "They call it a SWOOP.... and SQUAT."

Oh damn i forgot about that too 💔 Duckie's original voice actor, i think. We started with LBT2 and got the first one later on

You were traumatised by Land Before T-

Remember what I told you, Littlefoot?


I have darth vaders, darth maul's, and i think obi wan's from phantom menace still. Used to have qui-gon's as well

Stick gets stuck on the tom about halfway through and he has such a fluid recovery. And damn, this 16th note kicks near the end!

I mean, arms-akimbo-lad could get in there with a rake

I was not even ten yet, so i don't remember specifics but i do remember so much more hype and marketing for video games in stores. Being able to preview games on the demo, craning your neck way up to see it, finding favorite characters on the posters and endcaps, the Sears Pokémart... it was a good time to be a kid

Just as i thought my music/production purchases were complete, now i want a dmx controller and better lighting haha

They're already lining up their buttholes for him

If i were a celebrity, this would be my kind of house. Not crazy big, with a lot of character and a pool and a nice bathtub. Beautiful area, too. RIP

The mall in my town has a Bear in the Big Blue House quarter-ride for kids. I looked long at it, remembering my childhood, and realized that kids who play on it now have no idea about the show it's from haha

The germs on the mites on the mites on the peach skin

  1. Buy USB CD drive. 2. Install photoshop. 3. Return drive for full refund

OC scrolling someone's resume: "GOD i can barely even jerk it to this!! Barely."

"This was all the Bien administration..."

Actually no, orange turd, it was YOURS

I bet it was that RAPSCALIOUS horse!

Who-o-o-o, ME-E-E-E? 🐴