Let it go to court. They are already asking for the highest fine you could have to pay at 3 x the amount. You could get lucky when you demonstrate it’s an error, and that you’ve offered to pay x back out of court etc. it can only fall in your favour or be the same result compared to what they are already asking for.

Don’t forget to buy hold, DRS/book and bring a towel.

This doesn’t make sense? You’re earning the same money either way? How can you not cover bills with extra money sat in your account until the rent due date? If you pay all at once you have your money for longer, unless the 2nd payment is a late one?

Still, it’s nice to hear a suggestion of not leaving from him. Fee/wages aside, if he wants to he can be a prick and try force his way out. It would either work to try keep harmony in the dressing room, or we’d get shut a bit cheaper, or he’d stay and be benched.

It’s probably the right choice. If it still works just leave it and note it for the next tenant on inventory. See how much longer you can get out of it. If there are other issues you may want to charge to the deposit, maybe mention this as one you are forgiving, may make them a little more understanding with accepting another deduction elsewhere

I would put in writing the entire chain of events and see if that changes their mind. In x date you explained you had been hearing rats for x amount of time, however you failed to report this to me, which is a breach of contract. This breach has resulted in £20,000 worth of damages. Had you reported in good time it could have been resolved for £xxx amount. We would consider this breach resolved if you pay aprils rent in full and move on as planned. If not we will consider legal action. If you can establish why there were rats that may also strengthen your argument. But yeah, they should have told you, or if they were present due to the tenants lifestyle they should have resolved immediately.

Obi wan, 4 movies, a series, clone wars, rebels and whatever else

:PL:Premier League

Seriously, their transfer strategy is atrocious. Keep trying to get the same average players over and over until they finally pay out of the nose and get them. Instead of scouting elsewhere and getting somebody else. Is he the answer to all their problems? Is he that good they should be pursuing him for years instead of searching for other targets? No

The agent should only be charging for any contractor that does work, not for emails, not people going to quote, they are already taking a cut. There should be a 6 month break clause, if it doesn’t get any better tell your agent you want to use it.

Great coop game, hard as hell though, frustrating. Was there a secret character unlock if I remember right? Also baited you into near impossible jumps for the odd secret here and there

Great coop game, hard as hell though, frustrating. Was there a secret character unlock if I remember right? Also baited you into near impossible jumps for the odd secret here and there

Higher offer, bonus that it’s a FTB getting on the market. Sadly, if the landlords came back with 5k more money talks.

Yes it’s a foul, it’s a soft foul nobody likes to see, but it’s a foul. Should probably be in the instant karma sub, as the keeper deserves this. Would love VAR to punish divers and play actors.

There not crap, you e just overpaid for what you’ve got. Howdens have stupid list prices for everything. You barter them down or send them the same stuff for cheaper and ask them to match. Did you get it fitted? Fitters that use Howdens will get different rates of discount, but won’t necessarily pass that to you and just pocket it.

Yeah, seems like a lot of faff for an 8% increase that you’ll need to pay for 2 months. You’ll be in your new house and still fighting over what, £100 in rent? Get in your new house and relax

I want Archie to do well, and the wrong move now could really hamper his career. Going from a competitive league of 38 ish starts, to potentially warming the bench in a different league.

It’s cringe. But I’m not gonna feel hurt about it, who gives a damn. It’s hardly hillsbourough, people talking about it like they are gonna boycott them like the Sun.

I think if Summerville stays (which I doubt, not read anywhere of anyone coming out saying they’ll stay yet?) then one of Gnonto or James goes. Can’t see one of them been happy with 10 minutes from the bench week in week out like Gnonto at the start and James at the end of the season. I know we won’t have Anthony, and even if we could make it permanent not sure he’d want to, since he was in the same boat of 10 mins a game .

Im taking the down votes as either people not reading past the first line and realising I go in to say keep him, or people disagreeing with keeping him? I’ll presume it’s the first one as I know people lose interest after reading one line.

We did, and I have some of my own issues with Farkes decisions at times, however under the circumstances, despite the disappointment, he did well. And I really can’t see us getting anybody better in anyways.

I vaguely remember something about a difference in international and domestic loans last year

What- are you asking? Everybody seems to be answering about the damp, but I get the impression you’re asking about having this handyman back. Which would be an absolutely not from me. If he needed anything he should have asked anyway, your belongings aren’t for him to use, he should have been prepared, but if he did need something he shouldn’t just go through your things. An agent should have more contractors, send them the video if you need to.

A nearly 10 year old gaming starting a subscription service now is insane to me. Personally couldn’t care less having read it, never been bothered for skins or anything anyway, just like to play a game. From the title I thought it was going to be to play the game.