We need more aesthetically pleasing cafes please.

More at risk of PPD?CPTSD Vent / Rant

I am not having a baby any time soon but maybe within the next 10 years I have to plan to. I am PETRIFIED of getting ppd or psychosis? Maybe because I’ve been watching a lot of true crime lately (taking a break) with cases from women suffering from ppd and psychosis but I also know my reality of my mental health history.

I have CPTSD, depression, and anxiety. (Grew up with n.parents. Poverty. Neglect. Emotional and psychological abuse. Getting back at the other parent for divorce was my legacy to my parents)

I have been depressed literally my entire life (I’m 26). Idek what happiness truly is and it’s a bit scary. As in I can feel it in a moment of maybe an hour at most if that’s how it works?

I struggle a lot with social anxiety. I’d say social anxiety is my main problem tbh. Depression I’m used to n it doesn’t impact me too much when I’m away from my family. But I ruminate on my past every split second of silence. It’s my brains default. But I had this amazing therapy program for trauma teaching CBT and they taught us that u can change ur brains default way of thinking. Idk what else to think of because all my family talks about is the past n the past impacts everything i do currently. Maybe I just always have to be busy. They told us the only real way to get through trauma is to be distracted which has been true for me but of course CBT makes it easier. N I was my happiest with CBT.

But my biggest fear is kindof dissociating like “I just made a baby” wtf. Like I still subconsciously view myself as a kid in some ways I think. Or is it normal to be shocked u created another human. Idk how to explain it lol. I also worry how I can’t provide a normal family for my baby like I didn’t have either. Although my boyfriend has a great family. So I’m grateful we have that.

I don’t have a support system. All I have is my boyfriend. I wish I did it’s all I want rlly.

I won’t have a baby if I’m not financially ready or mentally but even if I am I really fear ppd. I don’t want to take meds but I 100% will to not risk getting ppd when the time comes.

Please share your stories or thoughts.


Update: they now put back the amount of photos in the carousel in the top right corner like (1/3)

Actually it’s only if I click a carousel in my explore page…

For me, I downloaded the app then clicked the circle checkbox of “activate ur phone”, then clicked the button “activate”

Thank you ya it wound up working out idk how but just glad it did

Got my phone but still says processing order

what the title says. I received my phone, confirmed by UPS, but my account still says they are processing my order. because of this, i can not activate my service. What do i do? my port out code only lasts 7 days.

I studied there n my study abroad partners and my Korean bf all say the same.

The good: everything is super cheap but amazing quality including in the store and food. Transport is very easy on the metro. If ur lost, people will stop what they’re doing to walk u to where u need to go. The night life is fun (but check my “the bad” list). I felt totally safe walking home alone drunk which as we know as a female that’s such a free feeling. Something I’d never done before n would never do anywhere else. I was in the college district so it was still populated. Wouldn’t do that in an alley tho lol. You can leave all ur belongings out for hours n it’ll still be there. Another amazing feeling as in the states if I wanna use the bathroom I have to bring everything with me or it absolutely will get stolen. So much beautiful details in EVERYTHING. Free skincare samples with every purchase or no purchase even sometimes. Amazing deals. Very creative country with artwork and cafes.the views are amazing. Always something to do.

The bad: respect is mostly for their people. I randomly got called “바보“ for no reason, never held doors open when I’m visibly struggling to carry a heavy box (could be cultural), old lady’s always pushed me out the way while I was in line about to pay or during paying. Old man groped me on the metro as he left n no one did anything. very important I do not recommend going to the club as a female. (Pubs/bars are better like Thursday Party in Hongdae) I got assaulted and it is extremely common. Like he didn’t even care hundred of ppl were right next to us he just went in. My friends did as well. As I said, extremely common. Some places or taxis will deny you as a foreigner even if ur Korean American (most of the time it’s bc they think they won’t be able to communicate). It may sound harsh but Korea is very judgemental this is just how it is n I hear it validated all the time by actual Korean people. My boyfriend doesn’t want to live there even for a year even though I want to because of it. And I love Korea from the bottom of my heart it holds a VERY special place but the judgementalness almost made me seriously hate it and forget learning about it any more.

I did this quickly as I’m at work but it is not meant to be romanticized as with any country but I think Korea and Japan are some of the most romanticized places in this world. I love Korea still n would live there for 2 years but I’d never even think to raise a family there due to societal judgements. Korea is still extremely homogenous so understand this but it is still a beautiful country filled with incredible things. I miss it every single day n my heart feels empty since I haven’t been back. So don’t take this all negative. Just see it for what it is. It was a harsh reality for me bc ppl always talk about respect. No even in my Korean town in the states I get treated differently n my boyfriend notices too. It’s just a cultural thing and personal thing.

I was working for this Korean company in America and was friendly with my Korean coworker. (I was remote but everyone else was in Korea) n one day she said “I saw this American couple jogging n thought ‘what are u doing here. This isn’t NYC’”. N I just froze. She knew I wanted to live in Korea and also how does she know they’re American? And why does them jogging bother her? This is a good example of just how they view things maybe. Another Korean friend said depression just means ur weak. Crazy for the country with one of the highest suicide rates.

But again see the positives too. I’m just being real on both sides n sharing my experience as well as all the ppl I know and videos I see on YouTube validating mine and loved ones experiences.

I made sure to understand the language, respect manners, and most of the culture before I went so my time was mostly good (I am a white female). Oh and men fetishize any foreign girl lol dating feels magical n then it all ends or they just wanna…u know. Careful of cameras.

I was surprised so many ppl had tattoos too. More ppl are becoming open minded which I love to see but it hasn’t been that long since foreigners came. Keep that in mind. And please study the culture and respect things.

Oh and always finish all of your food!

This sums it up: in Korea, people stare and u don’t feel welcome. In Japan, people stare and they smile, (Japan def has more foreigners tho) this is something me n my study abroad partners all noticed n shared with eachother.

Were u there to see and sniff it tho 🤔🎤

Only my entire life 😭🥲😐

I was considering this as well. But for me personally, I felt like I had to scroll through all the dots even if I didn’t want to in order to feel accomplished. I’m the type where if idk when it ends, I will eventually give up. Maybe this is related to zeigarnik effect which someone else mentioned as well. But not sure how majority of people feel.

🥸 I have the 10 still and the battery sucks lmao. I actually need a new one it recently became basically unusable 😩

Ahhh I’m not sure I always accidentally make my voice over work and never know how to actually do it lol. I’ll look it up eventually but that’s a very good point assuming it told you before.

I got mine at 18 during covid and they said it was cancelled for the next 3 years. I got lucky. Still haven’t gotten it fingers crossed

I can’t edit my post. But feel like I shouldn’t have to say this but yes of course it’s a new change so ppl need to adjust and could have bias there. I just want a friendly discussion about our thoughts n what the possible goals could be etc.

Very confused by ur comment. I was genuinely asking a question n for more experienced ppl to explain something I don’t understand. I did give my thoughts. I’m at work so I can’t take time to deep dive. Not sure what ur trying to get at?? And I actually vere on the most creative side. Not minimal so that’s not something to make an assumption about my post.

That’s true I always struggle to find the same things on this screen haven’t tried the new update yet though

Maybe I didn’t see it?? Just ignore it. Keep scrolling. Let’s watch how many downvotes I get 🍿

One time I only bought cool ranch Doritos 3x in a week and each one had no seasoning. I was bored so I thought why not call n tell them. Called the number on the back of the bag n the lady asked me some numbers on the bag n which store location and by the end, she mailed me 5 never-expiring coupons for cool ranch Doritos. They were holographic too. I lost them before I used them tho :/