I guess I got lucky: didn’t have an oh shit moment but felt a pop and was normal for a week and then was sore. Went to urgent care, then got an mri, and the. 4 weeks later surgery with no PT.

CBD honestly would be a good option. Theres not “high” that comes with it and it helped wonders with both my shoulders.

The black spots defeat the purpose. Soaking in heat.

No, I know what you meant. Reddits mods are three things: Competent, power tripping, or neither.

How did the mods get this job if they’re not even aware of Auto Mod? Seems like yall should do a little bit of research lol.

If the quality is bad I can take it down 😂

Nope. Thats actually a rabbit statue but it is safe from the hunt… for now.


If more people complain I will remove it but it is very visible.

Thats because no policy was ever spoken about during the debate. Policy means nothing to these guys. They only want your vote.



You can borrow mine

No one on Reddit will be able to help. Wait for it to be read by your orthopedic surgeon.

He is, but the phrasing could be more clever.