Because like I said it’s not worth any money because it doesn’t take any time to do (less than 5 minutes) AND it doesn’t take any skill.

And she also likes scratching your furniture looks like lol. Should try those sticky pads if you want her to stop. It’s safe and it basically sticks the paw pads to the sticky pad a little bit, which the cat doesn’t like and then they stop scratching.

Lol the guy was gonna snitch on them in the end

Man how much did you drink to not realize that no one from 1909 is alive today lol (well except maybe a dozen record holders for age but that’s it)

What’s racking? Is it transfer it to a new clean jar to ferment again to increase the alcohol concentration? If so what kinda difference is that? Like 5% alcohol to 10%?

These textbooks were such scams lol. Overpriced as fck. Slightest scratch and they charge you $190 🤡

How much pressure are you running your mead on lol are you sure it’s not moonshine 🤔

To prove it I google “free old picture restoration ai”, clicked on a random result, uploaded the picture, then 30 seconds later it gives me this.



And that’s with a run of the mill free AI. There are even better free AI out there where you can highlight the spots you want it to fix and it does it even better than this one. Do you see now? Takes zero skill whatsoever. If I wanted to make it perfect I just have to take 1-2 minutes more to take care of the remaining lines. This doesn’t take any skill whatsoever and is therefore not worth any money. I could literally edit the pic completely all in the time it takes to take a poop lol

A skill? Bruh there are over 50 free AI software for simple restorations like this one that can be done in less than 5 minutes.

Vodka sounds better, I’d be worried about the sanitizer evaporating and dripping down into the mead lol

I wanna put my hand between those paws and see if she bunny kicks lol. Can’t resist the fluff

Ah cool like in 2001 space odyssey. “I can’t let you do that Dave” says the mead to the outside air

It doesn’t seem like it but she’s super skinny and fragile due to not having the best bones. Even the vet said a cat like this just won’t gain weight. I’ve never seen that before. She’s open fed 24/7 always with food in her bowl, she eats like crazy, and just won’t ever gain weight.

Ah so it’s a different version of the squiggly tube from a previous post on here then?

Britain should’ve never backed out tbh.

They did do it to them. My point is that the tribes were doing it to each other for literally millennia before the whites came lmao

Looks like your new job’s gonna be at Mount Doom looking for a certain ring that you’ll call your precious

That guy giving out those cards is a moron if he thinks doing this in greece is a good idea lmao he’s basically asking to get knocked out.

People on here really asking for tips for one of the easiest restorations I’ve seen on this sub lol cmon


It’s renovations like these that remind us how modern house styling is disgustingly boring, generic, and ugly compared to the style of the time. I don’t fault you for doing the renovations because it’s what the market wants, but the market just has terrible taste.

Même si c’est pas une arnaque c’est clair que c’est du toc lol