The problem with watching these types of videos is that you build how the content creators build. That's no fun. Learn it on your own!

And not the Dark Core RGB Pro. Had that thing for 3 months and the scroll wheel went all wonky. Tried to fix it and only ended up breaking most of the tabs on the plastic shell. Couldn't even fix the scroll wheel. Piece of junk.

I do apologize that I offended you by not enjoying that particular game. You are more than welcome to continue playing it though. I hope you have many enjoyable hours within that gaming world. I, unfortunately, will not be joining you in there.

Why would I spend time doing something I did not enjoy? There are many other games to play which I find engaging and entertaining. I'm happy for you and others that liked the game. But it wasn't for me so I moved on.

I found that the weapon breaking mechanic wasn't fun nor engaging. It detracted from the game enough for me to put the game down and not continue playing it. If you enjoyed it, that's great. I did not find it fun and so I stopped playing.

Each to their own. The breaking weapons ruined the game for me. Haven't even thought about returning to it nor purchasing the next one.

I played BOTW for maybe 10 hours. I just couldn't take the breaking weapons. Put that game down and will never play another one like that again.

The guys over on IGN's Game Scoop call it a Garlic-like

Why are they driving on the wrong side of the road?

They need all that to protect us from those UN soldiers and Chinese Communists...

Especially the ones that say no right turn on red. But that's probably meant for someone else. Definitely not this guy driving a black dodge ram.

No. You can only say it's your favourite game if everyone else has agreed that's its their favourite as well.

Edit. I should add a /s

Don't push your games on them. Let them play Mario Kart and Pokemon. If you force them to play what you find fun, you may turn them off. Be patient with them. They will have no idea how to control their characters and will have more fun pushing your character of a cliff then they will playing the real game.

Hi Ren by Ren. Or The Tale of Jenny and Screech. Also by Ren.

What's she going to do when PP gets in and doesn't scrap the dental plan?

Starfield. In first person view, you don't have a body or shadow. But scroll out to third person and you have both.

I walked into that one, just like yo momma walked into a photo booth...and the machine ran out of ink!

Oculus (2014) was pretty good. Smile (2022) was creepy.

Years ago I was staying in a hotel for work. I decided to watch the original Ju-on. So I grabbed my laptop, shut the lights off and laid in bed watching it. Right around the part where the security guards are watching the view from the bathroom hallway, I hear a low hissing static sound. I look up, and the tv in my room is on. The remote was on the night table so there was no way I could have accidentally turned it on.

Needless to say, I finished watching that movie with all the lights on. It took 3 months for me to be able to go into a bathroom and not fully open the shower curtain. You know, just to be sure..