So a bit of context: I live on a heavily trafficked street corner in a midsized French city. I’m lucky enough to have a small, walled garden. The wall is tall, maybe seven feet. I have two cats of my own, a girl and a boy. They go out into the garden when the weather is good. Because of the city noise, they never really leave the garden and we have never had other cats visit. It’s not very pleasant for a cat beyond the walls.

We sleep with our window open at night. For the past four mornings, I’ve been awoken at 6:30 AM to a cat crying outside our kitchen door (which opens onto the garden like the bedroom window). The cries aren’t yowls, but I would say are more akin to “hellos”, not unhappy but maybe a bit distressed, and definitely not a cat vs. cat standoff sound.

In fact, my cats haven’t been upset by them at all and usually are asleep when I get up to check on things.

At first I paid it no mind, thinking they found their way in by accident. Then I woke up to it the next morning and convinced myself I was dreaming. Until, finally, on the third day, I woke up, shook my partner awake, and found them outside the kitchen door again.

They are small, I would place them as a young adult. No collar, thin but not underweight. Incredibly timid. I attempted to open the door to offer food the first morning and they ran off, climbed the wall, disappeared and I didn’t see them again the rest of the day.

Originally I believed they might have belonged to a neighbor in the apartments above/around ours and were reporting each day for a morning meal and hoping they could get back home. I was really worried they are hungry and lost. Yesterday I put up a flyer on the corner telephone pole with my number, hoping a neighbor would see it if it was their cat. But nothing yet.

And they seem so timid that now I am wondering if they are feral.

Last night, I laid out a bowl and kept the windows closed overnight. This morning I woke at 6:00 and sure enough, 6:20 rolls by and I hear the yelling. I look out the window and they’re standing on the wall screaming. This time they don’t even come into the garden before they leave, the food goes untouched (as of yet I have not fed them once). So I’m starting to doubt my “this is the neighbors cat and needs let back in” theory.

Is it possible this is a stray? Could they be a cat in heat with a crush on my cat? Why would they come every day at the same time? Does anyone have any theories? 😂