If paper is what stops you from making it off the bus alive…I don’t know what to tell you

Turns out abusing very large athletes is bad for your health, who would have known!

For “proper” contracting 150 a month should be. Nothing to you. And it can be written off towards tax

Oh look a link to a comment from you, well consider me proved wrong

Target audience is clearly not the original fans

This assumes Wonderboy isn’t trying to take his head off, which he can well do

Yeah a nice lead up to a main event. If karate combat works then I don’t see how this doesn’t

Feels like the chuck days again

:ireland-flag: Ireland

That’s the best part, through it all he is just a guy. I’d love a beer with him.

If this happened on the street would you have shook hands and went on your way? No, then the club is no different

:ireland-flag: Ireland

Farrell isn’t a social media type of guy I wouldn’t think

You don’t need to worry about this, it’s only relevant to good plumbers

Need to pre hydrate