Does algorithm serve more at profitable times of day?

I'm noticed that most of our sales come between 8am-5pm. I still notice a decent amount of spend in the evening. Does the algorithm recognize this, and adjust, at all? I understand that FB cares most about serving users what they want to see and not what's necessarily profitable for us. Should I limit times of day ads are served?

JJ reportedly ran a 4.48 before the 2023 season. I'm not saying that isn't padded, but he really is no slouch in the run game. U-M used him a ton as a runner when Cade McNamara was the starter. Once JJ took the role, they just refused almost any design run plays with him. It was maddening to watch.

Full disclosure, I've been a Michigan fan my entire life(52). So, take this as you will. I'd been begging for him to start from the first time I say him in a game. It drove me crazy watching Cade McNamara get the nod game in and game out. Cade was safe, but JJ always seemed electric.
His final season here was a little odd because we really ran a lot. We had a great running game, so why not? Hard to justify passing a lot if you can win with the run.
I'm not sure how much people outside of U-M circles realize what a great runner he was. His first couple of years, his job was pretty much to come in and spell McNamara with his running abilities. As soon as he was made starter, that was done. I can't tell you how many games I spent yelling at my tv "LET JJ RUN!"
Anyway, I'm now a Vikings fan. My brother will be happy as he's been one his whole life.

Can always be a crapshoot with draft picks. But, the kid seems to have his head grounded. I think the reason for the hype in the final 2 weeks before the draft was due to NFL staff watching and talking to him. I'd be optimistic if I were you.

Yep. The egg was the last thing I added. From now on, egg white is going in first. Live and learn. I had more eggs but no more amaretto!

I was just ~forced to have one. Wife wanted amaretto sours and I was at the bottom of the amaretto bottle. Cracked the egg and started my usual separating by just flipping the egg from shell half to shell half a couple times. Off course the yolk cracked and fell right into the shaker. It was either no amaretto sour or try an amaretto flip.

Not a fan.

Shred your own Muenster. That's what they used on tacos and nachos at the Mexican restaurant I grew up with.
Not going to find it pre-shredded, it's too soft. It's not too bad shredding enough for tacos.

If you want it on nachos, I recommend just buying Muenster slices.

We grate Muenster for our tacos. Old Mexican restaurant used it on their tacos and nachos. Don't think you'll find pre-shredded in bags, it's too soft. It's not too hard to shred though.
When making nachos, we buy slices. A lot easier.

I didn't go to advertising school, so I could be wrong. But, I'm pretty sure you have that reversed. The LOWER you are in the funnel the more you can assume the prospect knows the product.
Top of funnel you're trying to make them aware they have a problem. Usually not introducing the customer to the product until the middle of the funnel.
Most things I've read said a top of funnel ad FB ad should progress through all five stages. So, if I'm doing a video ad with a hook such as "Are you smiling when you wake up?" do I really want "Buy Martinson Coffee" as the headline or leading in the primary text? I think the point of the hook is to hold the customer until you get to the later funnel parts of the ad. If you've already had "Buy Our Coffee" as the headline, there's no reason to stay. They already know.

Include product type in top of funnel ad headlines?

What do people do with their headlines and primary texts on higher in the funnel ads(unaware, problem-aware)?
Since the creative doesn't start with showing the product, do you mention the product in the headline and/or primary text thus giving away the mystery used to capture attention in the creative?

We have also had what seems to be lower quality traffic. Trying to give it a week or two before I think something has changed.

Max Number Of New DCT's To Test At One Time

We are currently running Nick Theriot et al's broad targeting single CBO campaign. We came up with 10 DCT's for testing yesterday. Is it ok to launch them all at once and let the algorithm figure it out? Or, is the recommendation to only do one at a time until we figure out if it's a winner?

I have an idea on what I need to improve, but would love some critique to see if we are on the same page.

Ad Library

One of those ads has been fairly successful but the results seem to be dwindling.

I was down there for SXSW in 2004. It was awesome. I can't believe how notorious it is for this crap now.

Interesting theory. But, this was 3 conversions in one campaign and 1 in another.

What day gets credit for sale if ad clicked yesterday

Noticed this morning that we have had two total sales on our website. FB is showing 4 today.
If someone clicked yesterday, but didn't complete sale until today, is that counted in our metrics as the conversion happening today or yesterday?
Just trying to figure out the 2 vs 4 discrepancy.

I have a can of Squirt and a small bottle of Gatorade. If it's before around 3am, I'll drink the Squirt and TRY to get up and brush my teeth after. If it's after 3, I'll drink the Gatorade.
Gatorade is 22g of carbs and the Squirt is somewhere in the upper 30s. I like the Gatorade because it sticks less to the teeth. But, if I only have 22g before 3am, I'll end up going low again before morning.

Should've kept to yourself, Lincoln Hawk.

Anyone having problems with dashboard?

Getting internal error when trying to sign in.

Can FB users save direct link to ad?

I have an ad where I have excluded 30 day purchasers. Just had a person who ordered about 10 days ago comment that they'd received their order. It got me wondering how they replied. Was worried they were served it again by FB. Can they just bookmark the page and come back to it?