Try studying more? 

Beggers can't be choosers. Neither names move the needle. BI might be a worst fit for Minga tho

Aren't Chicago Willing to add a pick to get off of Lavine? Or is that if Vuc isn't included? 

  • Drove KD out of town, Manchild Green
  • Got himself suspended in a finals game, losing game 5, the momentum, and ultimately the chip, Man child Green 

The comment I was replying to asked how we got here. How we got here isn't due to Klay. One man(child) has made countless mistakes on and off the court while the other has two career altering injuries. 

  • Man child Draymond Green
  • Wiseman busto
  • Man child Draymond Green
  • The punch 
  • Man child Draymond Green
  • Wiggins taking months off/playing like ass - Man child Draymond Green
  • PG trade falling through 
  • Oh, did I mention Man child Draymond Green? 

Eric Dampier, my god I haven't that name in quite some some.

Hey, we got 4 chips. My cup is full for a while. If we fuck around and get one more in the next 15-20 years, I'll be happy.