The liquid from canned garbanzo beans can be whipped up and used as egg substitute.

Prepare to be bombarded with offers to spend your gift cards for you.

Pinch of cayenne pepper is also in the classic French version.

I love her on a whole different level now that I’m closer in age to the character. She used to be hot. She’s older now. Trying to be cool.

They have furnaces and fireplaces too.

Edit: after reading this I realize I was wrong!

This is so pretty! You can see the water movement. Like looking down into the tank. You’re talented!

The floors are heated! I’ve always wanted heated floors. Also, if you can afford this castle, are you really concerned about energy bills?

Pretty sure you’d have to eat raw bread dough for the bacteria to make a difference in your body.

You seriously could be onto something! I’d watch it!

Hearing “It’s good to be king” by Tom petty hit different when my dad died.

I was just wondering to myself yesterday when the posts about street takeovers were going to start… and here we are!

There are losses that just stick in the psyche. My dad gave me a handmade charm bead thingie with my first initial painted on it. I gave it to some hippie who was going to make it into a sweet macrame hemp necklace. Never saw the charm or the hippie again. I sometimes remember it and the guilt and frustration still persist.

It looks like it hasn’t been very well maintained lately. Very beautiful home.

Blue no matter who, that’s my opinion.