Why respect to Foden? The rest of your comment didn't support that at all...

More democratic isn't necessarily a good thing. A referendum on every big decision would be more democratic but would bring back things like the death penalty.

We have devolved democracy for a reason and FPTP ensures we don't lurch to extremes that divide a country (e.g. Trump, Le Pen, Wilders, etc).

There are lots of issues with that: 1. Gareth Southgate doesn't really see Foden as a midfielder which is to some extent true. The vast majority of his career he's played as a forward (winger or false 9). Even this season his role has been more of Ramdeuter than a typical midfielder. His on the ball ability is great but off the ball he leaves a lot to be desired. 2. Bellingham has been fantastic at Real Madrid as a 10 and is proven in that position for England before at the world cup. 3. Related to 1 and 2, Southgate is a conservative coach and prefers a more defensively-inclined 10 who is positionally good, tracks back, tackles, covers lots of ground, etc. Bellingham is much more suited to this role as he's an 8/10 whereas Foden is a winger/10. 4. As I already mentioned, Foden isn't very good for England. Playing him on the elft wing is somewhat shoe-horning him into the line-up in a position he's played a good amount for City. We've tried him at 10 in a few pre tournament games and he never did much.

Half the country will tell you all of England's problems would be solved with your midfield, however. But balance is important and Foden, no matter where he plays, brings none.

As if the problem with England is Foden not playing central. It's Foden playing period. He's not our best option in any of his positions AND has consistently put in shockers for England.

It's a 5 year deal including the loan, pretty standard...

Southgate played Jude at 10 before you lot and it worked for us too.

Sample size for Jude and Foden for England is way too small to make that comparitive comment.

Foden's elite at entering the box for City - watch his hat tricks this season. He plays off the space created by Haaland perfectly.

Slovakia was criminal but Slovenia was bad too. Foden played a one-two and Rice passed on his first touch (i.e. couldn't have done any different) so Foden was in complete control of the move.

If it was a random player fair but this is meant to be the best player in the premier league and he's set himself up to be offside, and ruin two goals, twice in two games.

EDIT: Ah it was Trippier who played the initial pass so not as bad. Still not great though.

You're chatting breeze - nothing he says is gen Z but it is different to ali G.

I can't believe Jude Bellingham did this! Not very mature at all!

Which shows how interested they are in that profile. Why stop at four?

Careful, don't you know he won premier league player of the year so he's the best player in England.

I never said it was ridiculous to suggest he had a better season than Haaland and KdB. You're strawmanning me.

And Messi won the 2023 FIFA best player. Was he the best player in the world last year?

Do you watch football or do you just blindly soak in the awards as fact?

Awards are more hype and PR than anything else. Anyone with half a brain knows Rodri, KdB and Haaland are better players. But I'll forgive you if you're lacking there.

He wasn't the best player in the prem (hell he's not even in the top 3 best players for City) and he only played the second half of the season at 10 despite KdB being injured for the first half.

Watkins had a better season and we don't shoehorn him into the lineup. He needs to be dropped.

What is his position because he's played LW and RW considerably more times for City than he's played AM.