His face looks a lot like my houla. He’s a cutie!!

I’ve experienced a similar scenario at an ER with my then infant daughter. She had an undiagnosed rare birth defect, so after she had her surgery I was traumatized. When she exhibited similar symptoms months later I panicked and took her to the ER - the ER staff hadn’t heard of her condition. I didn’t just stop taking her to the doctor after that.. wild.

Being A Felon Ain't Illegal

Agree, they look like they’re suffocating.

kidney 🔪

This is so heartbreaking.

This is me. I literally tell my husband it would be best to get legally divorced so we can at least get government assistance 🥲

Buy my husband dentures, credit card debt, whatever is left over pay down my husband’s car.

I do not consent to be called that name 🙄

It’s insane you didn’t get paid!! I work in a courthouse in Tennessee, and here employers are required by law to pay their employees serving (less $10 per day that we pay), and they also cannot interfere with service.

Workin Past 5:19 🦾👮‍♀️

It’s adorable! He’s a cutie!

Workin Past 5:19 🦾👮‍♀️

His little tooth 🥹

Workin Past 5:19 🦾👮‍♀️

My sister says that she too has lost 40 lbs, but her recent mugshot stats prove that’s a lie 🤣

Ah, I see. Well, I too have dogs and chickens, 3 kids and work full time. We used to homeschool too and still managed that. Ridiculous reasons!

She’s so upset about not being able to afford any repairs on her vehicle. Why doesn’t she get a part time job? Have we covered that? E can stay with his dad while she works I’m sure.

Hey, I totally relate. My (then 14yo) BIL attempted this with my then 4 year old. She told my MIL (she was babysitting), and my MIL called my daughter a liar. We’re liars and the family has totally disowned us except for my husband’s grandmother who only sees us rarely because she sees them a lot.

Break up with them. You will feel better in the long run.

Edit for typo.

I ripped my first delivery and cried tears of joy after my second delivery when the nurse said “wow! You don’t even need stitches!!” 😅

We have a similar case. Man held the knife up to the headrest where his wife was seated and she “leaned into” the knife. Twice.

Workin Past 5:19 🦾👮‍♀️

Could be phentermine. I took it for a while and it works really well.

That was what was contributed already, there was still over $100 she needed for it. When I looked it was $319 for that car seat! She could’ve gotten a car seat and a pack and play for $190 easily.

I’m so glad you asked because I never knew. This is pure chaos

Me too. I had terrible parents, and they never talked to me this way.