I love it all with the massive exception of the stupid short curtains

Am I the only one who has significant doubts about her “good sources” on stuff? Sometimes she just seems like a college kid with a laptop churning out fanfic

This just seems like a convenient thing so they can all take an extended summer vacation without criticism tbh

I think she just looks at her analytics, traffic that google brings in, and affiliate sales. She brags all the time about her SEO growth, but just because someone finds your site from a how to pack article doesn’t mean they’re going to stick around

Well this made sense to me until my local CVS filled my 90 day rx, so not sure what the real deal is. For the step up doses I can understand this though

I’m wondering if the hope is that by not sending one person 90 days of meds, they can send 3 people 30 days and that will even out the issue over time?

I feel like Danielle Moss’s art direction for her “mommy and me” Paris photo shoot was “and lots of pics of my daughter from behind so I can continue to post her on Instagram while being sanctimonious about protecting my children by not showing their faces”

Any chance she’s doing it to put assets into her mom’s name aka protect them from a lawsuit?

She seriously ordered handicapped seats? Her daughter is fully healthy and “needs” a stroller but NOT a wheelchair and there are so many actual wheelchair users who literally cannot attend concerts because there are not enough accessible tickets and she took one from them. If you’re too young to hack walking at a concert you’re too young to be there.

Omg I just had this thought- Danielle probably ordered the handicapped tickets thinking it would boost her daughter’s 22 hat chances. Nauseated.

Tbh she’s either genetically lucky and does TIU and gets the results she does, or she’s seriously restricting and does TIU and gets the results she does. It’s not “just” TIU.

I didn’t think of that but maybe? Grace is typically wearing them around her house, though, I feel? I got the feeling that the person just liked the night shirt, wanted to buy it and use the excuse that she could wear it to the wedding. I feel like half the posts in the group are “I want to do X, please validate my life choice and tell me this is ok.”

Seconding the gratitude for the peak niche snark, I have been thinking about that stupid sleep shirt for a week.

It’s not even that she felt like hers was devalued, she clearly thought hers was better/more valuable, it’s that she was mad that OTHER people could buy a lab diamond that was as big as her “real” one for half the price, so people basically can’t tell she’s richer than them and that her husband loves her more because he spent more. She was mad her status symbol wasn’t as loud as she wanted it to be. It was…something.

Truly want to know so badly. I mean her target audience is willing to spend 50k to have the opportunity to spend 20k on a bag, so maybe there is a very very small niche? Or maybe she’s faked feedback and is trying to create hype?

Tania Antonenkova (that’s her handle, take out the space) has once again opened her H circle, aka her private group where she says she spills secrets to help you save thousands in prespend and secure Hermes bags.

For the low, low price of $2,997, you can join. But even that price point doesn’t get you a private Q+A session with her, for that, you pay $2k for 2 30 minute sessions. I am DYING to know how many are in this group. It’s the second time she has “opened the doors for registration”


“I did back handsprings for two months erasing this from the internet last summer and you’re putting THIS on the album?”

She was also SO insistent she’d never get any other work done after her breast lift, beyond Botox/lips etc. I predict a tummy tuck before the year is out, assuming divorce doesn’t go back on the table and she’s back to worrying about paying alimony.

“Inside thoughts” has me rolling

There was definitely something him agreeing to her spending quarterly weekends with Gretchen and how their time was limited and precious, etc. Def did not sound like Steve was involved and since G lived elsewhere I think it was fairly limited as far as relationships go

I feel like she thinks the fact that she can mock everything up in photoshop (with remarkable skill, I’ll give her that) makes her equivalent to a designer who used CAD…and that’s just not the same.

I’m guessing some of the subs are free subscribers though, right?

I so want to know where Jolie Kerr is now