So we didn’t have ourselves to credit for the railway system either?

Nope, it’s £2.74 a pint of real ale, any ABV at my local


Sunday Brunch is such a bad show. Cringe, faux lads-mags-era/soccer AM “geezers” with no cooking skills and an awkward demeanour. Woefully out of date anachronism

We need to downvote and report this garbage

What sorts of things would you expect to be done?

Again, it wouldn’t be a MapPorn map if it was correct


Didn’t have that fucker during the doubles and it destroyed my season

We go out of our way to be as different from the UK as possible, even for the sake it


Thanks! Wouldn’t call it Covent Garden, like OP did

Edit: the first one that came up wasn’t Covent Garden

I feel like you need one more egg for the symmetry

Kind of funny that the glass of wine cost more than your main

Thanks for this! Yeah, they struggle to produce any facts to support their big claims. I’ll just let it go, they have a blinkered hatred and it can’t be reasoned with

Ireland isn’t in the UK, unless you mean part of the island of Ireland, then yes. But it’s strange you write the island after each party

You need to take the L on this one. None of these provide evidence that hundreds of thousands were purposely killed by Britain. Maybe you’re confusing a cause of with purposely caused. They are different things

You still haven’t pointed to a single shred that said Britain purposely caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Irish people. That some of the things the British did was a cause isn’t up for question. Given it’s allegedly a settled fact with hundreds of years of academia, etc., then just point me to one piece that confirms the British purposely caused it.

Always nice to see sausages that aren’t Bookers or Brakes

Lol, they’re making customers contribute to the owners charity jolly? Then he’ll gloat and say “I raised x thousand pounds for charity!”

You’re deflecting because you made a claim you can’t substantiate. And even the article you posted (but didn’t read) didn’t provide evidence for your big claim.

You said it’s not just “a petty rivalry”, along with your tirade against hatred, greed, etc. Pretty clear to the reasonable person what you mean