Mine offered to take us out for lunch and got us a plant that's still thriving and growing. Based in NYC

I'm 5'0" and my seat is between 13 and 14. i'm very comfortable when seated and standing. so maybe try going to 9 and see how that feels for a few minutes of riding?

I would go on road trips with my family from and every time we would stop at McDonald's in a different state than NY, I always remembered knowing to ask without mustard. Not being aware some other states put mustard automatically, I only made the mistake of not asking once and never again lol

When I was 21, my permit was about to expire so I worked around the clock to take lessons. I took as many as I could and the day before my test AKA 2 days before my permit expired, my instructor literally told me "You probably won't pass," which was definitely not motivating. I ended up passing that time, and I didn't drive for probably another year. But it was useful to get my license + now years later, I do have my car, which I find useful in certain circumstances.

But to answer your question, yes it's the instructor lol.

Just saw Royal Hotel maybe a month ago without knowing anything about it nor hearing anything about it. I just wanted to go to the movies and it was pretty good!

Friends lived in different neighborhoods so typically hang out in the area of the school after school hours, go get a slice or something. I went to school in Queens, so sometimes we would go to the city and just walk around. In the summer, with whoever was around, we would meet up, go to parks, play manhunt, museum, movie theater, explore different areas, or just vegg at someone's house. There's so many free summer events we would find to just go to, too

born and raised in nyc and i see a roach on the street prob every day and i'm not exaggerating no matter the neighborhood. usually they're dead already, but they freak me out so much that my eyes end up on the ground making sure i'm good lol. i've only seen them on the train/subway only a few times and I've taken the train all my life. in my last apartment, we saw them all the time no matter how much we cleaned. i think it was just the area and holes we tried to cover. there was even a time that the parks people sprayed something in the playground and all you saw on the streets every other step was a giant dead roach. now, in our new spot, we don't see them inside.

global entry has saved me so much time from going through TSA pre-check to going through immigration/customs at a usually much faster speed. My interview was, no joke, 1 min. It was after arrival, I went up to a customs official and they showed me which way to go for the interview. I think I got lucky when I landed because it was completely empty and there was no wait. This was in the summer of 2021 so not that many people traveling at the time.

From my experience lately, they do flat fare automatically unless you specify to do the meter. Once, I had a driver insist that the flat fee was cheaper, but I knew that he was completely wrong and told him to the meter. Not only was he wrong and the meter was way cheaper, but he tried to charge me for a toll use twice when we only went through one toll and there's no way there were two tolls.

Agreed. I never really have a good experience at the Brooklyn Alamo so I just stopped going since Black Panther 2 came out. My last experience was 1. These teenagers were talking non stop 2. Someone came in 30 min before the movie was supposed to end and was so loud getting themselves seated.