Imagine inventing something that decreases so much suffering in the world. Amazing. šŸ™Œ

So cute! Look at that puffy lilā€™ face.

Itā€™s rather unsanitary having to place them on the floor!

I feel exactly the same way. I donā€™t get how people donā€™t see how good they are. I find them as innovative as the Pixies. Do you have any theories?

I just need him to sort that hair out honestly. He looks like he uses way too much gel.

Darling Penty, I am so thoroughly delighted that you dig my aesthetic, yo.

Thank you so much! I like to think I look a bit regal. A royal pirate, if you will.

She doesnā€™t seem to mindā€¦ oh well!

Cute idea. Iā€™ve tried to hop on the Nulsā€™ boat before but it doesnā€™t take me along for the ride.

Wah! šŸ˜­ Iā€™m a Virgo. I want to tidy!! It physically pains me that I canā€™t remove some of the wooden chests in the ancient rooms.

I loved that scene. šŸŽ¬

Super, super dumb question but Iā€™m new to this gameā€¦ will we use the pickaxe to open the cubed boxes that are lying around everywhere? By cubed boxes I donā€™t mean strawberry crates or treasure or coral chestsā€¦ I mean the boxes that are absolutely everywhere, including floating above the rainbow reefā€¦ (And also, how about the barrels? do we get to open those in time?)