Thank you for sharing your story. I am so sorry to you and your whole family. That is an unfathomable loss.

I agree with your sentiments completely without relating to it first hand. Having that “blow blow blow” clip in the trailer showed what a mockery they’re going to make of a very very serious situation.

Will be thinking of you and others who will be affected by her behaviour this season.

I think we’ll have to agree to disagree on the uncles on.

One of my mums brothers is often quite rude to me and often makes uneducated comments towards minority groups. I will not allow him to silence me under the old school mentality of respect your elders. I am a grown woman and if someone is going to speak rudely to me I am going to defend myself, relative or not. Joe being rude to his nieces, in my opinion, ties back to his deep rooted, misogynistic values of women being seen and not heard.

I really like Gia. I feel as though she’s grown into a strong, young woman amongst the chaos. I also have a lot of empathy for the way she was parentified. When Tre was at “camp” Gia did everything for those girls and navigated a dad that didn’t seem very present. I have a friend who in her thirties is still parentified by her siblings as a result of their childhood so I can say that, like Gia, she never really got to be a child even as a teenager as she was propelled into adulthood before most of us. So the she’s a child argument is a bit nonchalant because the girl hasn’t had the chance to be a child for 10 years.

I don’t think her involvement has been too much. I think we’ve always seen Dolos kids giving their view on her life, Melissa’s kids just aren’t interested, Marge doesn’t talk to hers and the rest are too young. I get Gias relationship with her mum as I feel like my mum often doesn’t articulate herself well with her brothers and I still grab the phone to explain what she means so she doesn’t get walked on by them so I’m probably a little bias there. And with 2 seasons ago I 100% would have spoken to my uncles like that.

Ashley ran around after Danielle at the Brownstone and pulled her hair and her getting into Facebook arguments with Danielle and potentially being arrested for watch she did was a major storyline of I believe season two. They were super involved it was just so long ago.

Right and Melissa started to say why would you bring a child and then she stopped because I think she realised Marge’s friend and Rachel both brought their kids as it’s a child orientated event. She just wanted to bad mouth Tre but realised she couldn’t do that without being negative towards her teammates

Yeah but it’s not a comparison because Gias was an analogy. He actually did commit a crime.

A fair comparison is saying I made a mistake and went to jail so did Teresa so if she doesn’t want people blasting her past she shouldn’t blast mine. She likes to think she’s a different person to 10 years ago well I’m different from 15 years ago.

What bothers me more is she came in hating her. I understand she was brought in by Melissa but she didn’t come in on her own willing to talk to everyone. We saw it last season when she didn’t really try with Danielle and ran back to Marge when Danielle made some comments. She was aligned from the get go and she speaks so negatively about Teresa when there wasn’t really any reason for them to have tension till the reunion. But the contempt was already set in stone.

Her name is very familiar. We have a few mutual friends on Facebook I think we may have gone to the same school but she’s a bit younger. Or she may have gone to my SILs school. She’s gorgeous

I don’t trust the editing of tonight’s episode. Everything seemed really spliced. Like Teresa’s “karma is a bitch” comment didn’t sound natural. I think she was talking about Marge but it sounded like she meant Jackie.

On another note. I 100% believe Danielle’s version of events with the hair stuff because she didn’t get defensive with Jen’s story she got angry and I know I get angry when people tell a complete false narrative. Jen pushed her first too and then was acting super tough and switched up to waterworks by the time Teresa came back.

There are no innocent parties on this show. Everyone is a bad guy.

I know but that to me is independent. Like if a woman was dependant on a man in marriage but then divorced them and did super well I would call that independent no?

I know a lot of traditional girls of European decent in my area of Australia and most of them are expected to stay at home till Marriage and a lot fall into traditional gender roles too. Seemed like that was Tres and Melissa’s upbringing too.

He was devastated Rachel asked him to initiate nap time. He thought he was filming

But if you’ve watched girls trip one Teresa don’t argue with anyone. She was very chill. She seems to connect with a lot of housewives. Even Tamra was trying so desperately to feud with her then when they were at an event last year together Teresa hugged Tamra and was nice to her so the. Tamra had nothing to say for a while but think she’s trying to get the one sided feud going again 😂 That’s what made me like her because she wasn’t bitchy or dramatic and I started to look at her from the angle that she’s often on the defence rather than offence.

She didn’t raise 4 daughters while trying to support a husband who was in ICE detention? I’d say that’s pretty independent and badass

I know you’re being sarcastic but this is 109% something queens of bravo would say but actually mean it 😂

Did Kyle apologise to Lindsay about his horrid rant last season? I don’t think I’ve ever heard Kyle apologise legitimately

I’m a big believer in no one owns a name. I have been pregnant at the same time as siblings and still believe no one owns a name. We didn’t even discuss names as it isn’t fair for someone to say they are having name X no matter what as a) you may not even have a child of that gender and b) your preferences will change.

I used to love a name and mentioned it once to my single SIL. I was married to her brother but not pregnant yet. Then I’m pregnant and she starts claiming this name as hers. I didn’t even bite. I didn’t end up using the name as it soured it for me but at the end of the day if I had of names my baby that name that is my choice.

We also have to keep space for people that aren’t vocal about things. You may have friends and other family members with a long list of names in their phones they love. If you claim names as yours you are doing so having no idea of what’s on their list and how long it’s been there for so for all you know it could have been there’s long before yours.

Just another perspective to look at it from. I don’t think you’re an AH as your feelings are still your feelings and that makes them valid but just maybe not looking at the full picture

Rachel trying to suggest she didn’t immediately come in and align herself with Melissa is laughable. Teresa was being kind about it saying she understands they didn’t connect because of who she was friends with and she tries to deflect. Rachel, you came in with an alliance already sorted. You also had no problem saying things about Teresa and Louis yet you want them to kiss the ring and grovel for your forgiveness when you got it back. That’s not how reality tv works love

I feel like Kenya is the ultimate gaslighter. She pushes and pushes people and then gets shocked when they react and she always downplays her own behaviour.

The only thing I’ll give Kenya is there must be something ok about her as she tends to win favour with her castmates and other bravolebs who speak highly of her. In saying that, I don’t know if Kandi is the best judge of character. She hasn’t always been on the right side of history 😂

I try to explain this to people all the time. Working within your bmr and your calorie exertion is all you have to focus on to drop weight. Adding to that, hormones and age after a certain point too

For me, I do intermittent fasting to maintain weight but my biggest issue is snacking on lollies chocolate etc as they are calorie killers. Whenever I cut them I lose weight. But I still eat McDonald’s, I just cut the dumb stuff

This ! I think people forget sometimes how playing off like they don’t work out and don’t watch what they eat isn’t a cool thing to do anymore. It undermines how hard people work to attain certain fitness goals. It’s also often misleading. People will show you them eating a cheeseburger but not the salad they had for breakfast and dinner to balance that out.